Negations in the Past Progressive – Exercise 1

Task No. 4315

Put in the verbs in brackets into the gap and form negative sentences in Past Progressive.

You can use long or short (contracted) forms of the auxiliary.

Show example


Maggie   volleyball. (not/to play)


Maggie was not playing volleyball. or
Maggie wasn't playing volleyball.

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Form of the Past Progressive

  1. She a cheeseburger. (not/to eat)
  2. They pictures. (not/to paint)
  3. The teacher the window. (not/to open)
  4. Johnny his bike. (not/to ride)
  5. We on the computer. (not/to work)
  6. Doris the news on TV. (not/to watch)
  7. I the trumpet. (not/to practise)
  8. The friends songs. (not/to sing)
  9. Steve a cigarette. (not/to smoke)
  10. Sam and Liz at a poster. (not/to look)