Versucht ins Englische zu bringen

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Versucht ins Englische zu bringen

Beitrag von Taco »


wir schreiben am Montag unsere Abschlussklausur in Englisch und da ich weiß das das Theme Wasser ist wollte ich mir schon mal ein paar nette Sätze zu recht legen. Würde mich freue wenn Ihr mal drüber schauen könntet.

In Africa have two billions people no access to clean water. These people are rely on lakes, rivers, ditch or pond.

2,3 billions people have no access to ablutiones.

Inevitable consequences are illnesses like runs, worm attack, eye disease and cholera.

According to the UNICEF die four million children because of these illnesses.


Ja das wars dann erstmal mal schauen ob mir demnächst noch nen paar nette einfallen.

Schonmal danke für Eure Hilfe.

English Legend
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Re: Versucht ins Englische zu bringen

Beitrag von Keswick »

Taco hat geschrieben: In Africa two billion people do not have access to clean water. These people are depended on lakes, rivers, ditches or ponds.

2,3 billion people have no access to ablutions.

Inevitable consequences are illnesses like diarrhoea, worm attack, eye disease and cholera.

According to (the) UNICEF four million children die because of these illnesses.
"the runs" ist zu umganssprachlich.
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
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Beitrag von Helgi »

There are two billion people do not have access to clean water In Africa.

In my humble opinion :angel: or I'm wrong? :angel: [/list]

Anglo Veteran
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Beitrag von Delfino »

There are about two billion people in Africa
that do not have access to clean water.

Remember to use a dot and not a comma
to divide the digits in the positional (number) system.

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Englische Grammatik (Startseite)

Die Satzstellung im Aussagesatz - Subjekt - Verb - Objekt (S-V-O) ... lung_1.htm

that und which - Bestimmende und nicht bestimmende Relativsätze supplied without liability.
IELTS 7 Good user: operational command, occasional inaccuracies

Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 7. Mai 2009 19:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Taco »

oke... habe in der zwischenzeit mal etwas weiter gemacht:) wäre nett wenn Ihr da auch mal rüber schauen könntet:

Only 2,5 % of all sweet water reserves are available for the human.

According to recent numbers by UNICEF and the WHO, there are an estimated 884 million people without adequate drinking water, and 2,3 billion people have no access to ablutions. These people are dependent on water out of lakes, rivers, brooks and ponds.

Inevitable consequences are illnesses like diarrhea, worm attack, eye disease and cholera. Roughly four million children die from the consequences of these illnesses.

Other consequences of this water shortage are: overuse and pollution of water resources harming biodiversity and regional conflicts over scarce water resources sometimes resulting in warfare.

Water that cools down power plant systems is discharged into rivers and lakes and heats up their temperature. This leads to the death of animals and plants. The same happened if we discharge raw sewage into our waters.

Co2 heats up the temperature on the earth because of this rise of the temperature, the ice at the polar caps melts. The water level will rise and coastal areas will be flooded.

There are many solution possibilities like laws against water pollution or in terms of donations at Greenpeace as well as other private organizations. It is also important to teach people about environmental problems. Furthermore we must protect our ecosystem because it is our basis to life. It supplies us with water, air, foot and wood as well as many other recourses and facilities.

English Superhero
Beiträge: 1119
Registriert: 6. Mai 2005 22:46
Muttersprache: German
Wohnort: Rhineland

Beitrag von Cliff »

Taco hat geschrieben:People have access to only 2.5 % of all sweet water fresh water reserves are available for the human.

According to recent numbers by UNICEF and the WHO, there are an estimated 884 million people without adequate drinking water, and 2.3 billion people have no access to ablutions???. These people are dependent on water out of lakes, rivers, brooks and ponds.

Inevitable consequences are illnesses like better: such as diarrhea, worm attack, eye diseases and cholera. Roughly four million children die from the consequences of these illnesses...each minute, each month, each decade???
Other consequences of this water shortage are: the overuse and pollution of water resources harming biodiversity and regional conflicts over scarce water resources sometimes resulting in warfare.

Water that cools down power plant systems is discharged into rivers and lakes and heats up their temperature. This leads to the death of animals and plants. The same happened if we discharge raw sewage into our waters.

Co2 heats up the temperature on the earth. because of this rise of the temperatureAs a result, the ice at the polar caps melts. The water level will rises and coastal areas will be are flooded.

There are many solution possibilities possible solutions like such as laws against water pollution or in terms of donations at Greenpeace ??? as well as other private organizations. It is also important to teach inform people about environmental problems issues. Furthermore we must protect our ecosystem because it is our basis to life. It supplies us with water, air, foot and wood as well as many other recourses and facilities.
The have got has got to go.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 7. Mai 2009 19:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Taco »

According to recent numbers by UNICEF and the WHO, there are an estimated 884 million people without adequate drinking water, and 2.3 billion people have no access to ablutions

Soll heißen: Nach den jüngsten Zahlen von UNICEF und der WHO, gibt es schätzungsweise 884 Millionen Menschen ohne ausreichend Trinkwasser, und 2,3 Millionen Menschen ohne Zugang zu Sanitäre Einrichtungen.

...... or in terms of donations at Greenpeace as well as other private organizations.

Soll heißen: .... oder in form von Spendengelder an Greenpeace so wie an andere...

Stimmt das so oder muss daran noch was geändert werden?

English Superhero
Beiträge: 1119
Registriert: 6. Mai 2005 22:46
Muttersprache: German
Wohnort: Rhineland

Beitrag von Cliff »

...have no / lack access to proper sanitation...
...have no / lack proper saniation facilities...

(würde nicht immer have access to benutzen)

or donating money to Greenpeace ...
(wobei es fraglich ist, ob das eine Lösung des Problemes wäre, oder nur das Gewissen erleichtern soll :wink: )
The have got has got to go.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 7. Mai 2009 19:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Taco »

ja obs wirklich hilf ist ja nebensächlich:)

Kann man das den jetzt so schreiben: According to recent numbers by UNICEF and the WHO, there are estimated 884 million people without adequate drinking water supply, and 2.3 billion people have no access to sanitary facilities.

English Superhero
Beiträge: 1119
Registriert: 6. Mai 2005 22:46
Muttersprache: German
Wohnort: Rhineland

Beitrag von Cliff » estimated...
und wie schon angemerkt, ich würde nicht immer have no access to sondern auch mal lack access to benutzen. Ansonsten läßt das Wiederholen von Vokabeln und Phrasen auf einen limitierten Wortschatz schließen, was je nach Lehrer auch zu einem Abzug in der sprachlichen Benotung führen kann. Nur so als Hinweis.
ansonsten ist es okay
The have got has got to go.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 7. Mai 2009 19:13
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Taco »

oke alles klar und vielen dank für Eure hilfe besonders an Cliff.
