Present Perfect Progressive/Continuous – Statements – Exercise

Task No. 4323

Use the verbs in brackts in the Present Perfect Progressive in the sentences.

Show example


She   tennis for half an hour now. (to play)


She has been playing tennis for half an hour now. or
She's been playing tennis for half an hour now.

  1. I this website since 1999. (to run)
  2. My parents for years. (to smoke)
  3. He for his girlfriend since 6 o'clock. (to wait)
  4. We in Greece since last August. (to live)
  5. Max and Paul their bikes all day. (to ride)
  6. They in the sun for hours. (to lie)
  7. Emily on the computer for too long. (to work)
  8. It since I came home. (to rain)
  9. You to music since 12:30. (to listen)
  10. Frank for the last 20 minutes. (to dream)