Motivationsschreiben USA

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Motivationsschreiben USA

Beitrag von m0zart »

Hi an alle!

Ich bin verzweifelt auf der Suche nach jemandem, der mir mein Motivationsschreiben korrekturlesen kann. Ich bewerbe mich derzeit für ein Austausch-Semester in Detroit und das Letzte Mal, als ich Englisch gesprochen / geschrieben habe, ist leider schon viel zu lange her und das merkt man natürlich sofort. Das Motivationsschreiben sollte natürlich in einwandfreiem grammatischen Zustand sein, deswegen brauche ich unbedingt eure Hilfe!
Wenn ihr mir weiterhelfen könntet wäre ich euch unendlich dankbar.

Viele Dank im Voraus,
My motivation for a study stay at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit
My motives for a stay abroad in the USA:I’m very interested in the American culture and language for a long time, especially since I’m studying Product Design. By a longer stay in the USA I expect to attain a new way of “design thinking”. Particularly within the creative range a intercultural exchange broadens one’s mind very much, which can be very interesting too for the students of de CCS.
Many of my friends had the chance to gain interesting experiences in the USA and by their narrations my desire grew more ande more to become acquainted with the American culture and people. It would be great to establish many contacts with the students in Detroit, which exist still beyond the exchange program.

Why I want to apply for CCS:
The excellent international reputation and the high level of education drew my attention to this university. By discussions with students who already spent one semester at the CCS I became certain that this school could support me in the best way to improve myself further. When investigating for hours on the homepage of the CCS I discovered numerous interesting projects and informed about different subjects like “VisCom” oder “Design Research”. Meanwhile my desire grew more and more to spend a semester at this college.

My strengths and abilities:
I’m very sociable and open minded about something new. These attributes make it easier for me to sozialize and integrate myself into the American culture. Since my native country is Austria, however I’m studying in Germany I developed a high level of open-mindedness which enables me to adapt quickly to new people and situations.
Furthermore I possess a high level of apprehension and I am very resilient even in stressful situations, which I find as very useful within a design study.
I like to develop unusual ideas and thoughts and elaborate them along with my fellow students.

Expectations to the stay in the USA:
From the study stay in Detroit I expect a personal as well as a creative development. I want to use the differences between the University in Pforzheim and the CCS to broaden my creative horizon.
I already possess some knowledge of the English language, but I want to use the stay in the US also to improve my English clearly.
Furthermore I really would like to do one or two internships in the USA, and I think, a study stay at the CCS would help me a lot, recieving a good internship.

Topic Talker
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Registriert: 26. Jul 2010 16:35
Muttersprache: Am. Englisch
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Re: Motivationsschreiben USA

Beitrag von Pennsylvanian »

Hi m0zart,

Nur ein Paar Sachen...
m0zart hat geschrieben:My motivation for a study stay at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit

My motives for a stay abroad in the USA:I have been very interested in the American culture and language for a long time, especially since I’m studying Product Design. With a longer stay in the USA I expect to attain a new way of “design thinking”. Particularly within the creative range, an intercultural exchange broadens one’s mind very much, which can be very interesting too for the students of the CCS.
Many of my friends had the chance to gain interesting experiences in the USA and in hearing about them, my desire grew more and more to become acquainted with the American culture and people. It would be great to establish many contacts with the students in Detroit, that would continue to exist beyond the exchange program. (Ich empfehle "It would be great to establish many long-lasting contacts with the students in Detroit.")

Why I want to apply for CCS:
The excellent international reputation and the high level of education drew my attention to this university. Through discussions with students who had already spent a semester at the CCS I became certain that this school could support me in the best way to improve myself further. When (Ich empfehle "While" hier) investigating for hours on the homepage of the CCS I discovered numerous interesting projects and information about different subjects like “VisCom” oder “Design Research”. Meanwhile my desire grew more and more to spend a semester at this college.

My strengths and abilities:
I’m very sociable and open-minded about anything new. These attributes make it easier for me to socialize and integrate myself into the American culture. Since my native country is Austria but I’m studying in Germany, I've developed a high level of open-mindedness which enables me to adapt quickly to new people and situations.
Furthermore I possess a high level of apprehension ("Apprehension" heisst üblicherweise "Befürchtung". Ich glaube, du meinst doch "enthusiasm", oder?) and I am very resilient even in stressful situations, which I find as very useful within a design study.
I like to develop unusual ideas and thoughts and elaborate on them along with my fellow students.

Expectations for my study in the USA:
From my study in Detroit I expect a personal as well as a creative development. I want to use the differences between the University in Pforzheim and the CCS to broaden my creative horizons (mit "s").
I already possess some knowledge of the English language, but I want to use the stay in the US also to improve my English clearly.
Furthermore I really would like to do one or two internships in the USA, and I think, studying at the CCS would help me a lot in obtaining a good internship.

Sonst sieht alles gut aus.

Und ich wünsche Dir viel Erfolg in Detroit!

Mind your speech a little lest you should mar your fortunes. - William Shakespeare

Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 28. Dez 2010 12:15
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Re: Motivationsschreiben USA

Beitrag von m0zart »

Vielen vielen Dank.
Es klingt gleich viel runder und besser mit deinen Tips, werde ich gleich umändern ;) !

Danke nochmal und viele Grüße,


Anglo Veteran
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Re: Motivationsschreiben USA

Beitrag von Delfino »

Furthermore, ... supplied without liability.
IELTS 7 Good user: operational command, occasional inaccuracies

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Re: Motivationsschreiben USA

Beitrag von Duckduck »

Ich möchte nur mal wieder - etwas altklug - dazwischenquaken:

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