
Alles zur englischen Grammatik.
How to deal with English grammar.
Slow Speller
Beiträge: 19
Registriert: 19. Feb 2005 22:13


Beitrag von Isi »

Dann helf ich auch noch ein wenig..... :wink:
Ich nehme nur deine Antworten. Die Fragen waren bestimmt aus dem Buch.

It´s a psychothriller and partly a drama. (ok)

I liked the variety of the story. (ok)

Annie Wilkes is on the one hand a rescuer, and that makes [strike]she[/strike] her friendly, but on the other hand a psychopath and that´s the reason why she is so dangerous. (ok)

Because of these different [strike]charakters[/strike] characteristics of the woman the story is very exciting, but it´s also alarming and that is the criterion of a good psychothriller.
Also I enjoyed the course of the action. At the beginning the reader didn´t think that it would be a psychothriller, if she/he [strike]don´t[/strike] doesn't know Stephen King.

I didn´t like that I couldn´t sleep because of the exciting story.

My favourite character is Annie Wilkes beacause [strike]these[/strike] this person is very interesting. Her thoughts are incomprehensible and that is it, what makes the book so thrilling.

An exciting part of the book is when Annie says to Paul Sheldon that she is going to operate on him. She takes an axe and the reader is thinking what she is going to do.

I can recommend this book because it has everything, [strike]what[/strike] that a good thriller must [strike]to[/strike] have.

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 44
Registriert: 3. Jul 2005 15:50
Wohnort: Kreis Minden

Beitrag von Brabax »

Ich würde es mehr so machen (Änderungen fett markiert):

->What kind of book is it?
It´s a psychothriller and [partly] a drama.

->What I enjoyed about the book?
I liked the variety of the story.
on the one hand Annie Wilkes is a rescuer, and that makes her nice, but on the other hand she is a psychopath and that´s the reason why she is so dangerous.
Because of these different character attributes of this woman the story is very exciting. But it´s also alarming, which is the point of a good psychothriller.
I also enjoyed the course of the action (the action scenes/the plot?). At the beginning the reader doesn't think that it is a psychothriller, [espacially] if one doesn't know Stephen King.

->What I didn´t like about the book?
I didn´t like that I couldn´t sleep because of the exciting (frightening) story.

My favourite character is Annie Wilkes beacuse this person is very interesting. Her thoughts are incomprehensible and that is, what makes the book so thrilling.

An exciting part of the book is when Annie says to Paul Sheldon that she is going surgical on him (Vorschlag, "to operate" sollte dort aber nicht stehen :) ) . She takes an axe and the reader thinks what she is going to do (Mach mal bitte den Kontext deutlich, bzw.: was willst du sagen? -> ...and the reader [just] knows, what she's going to do (?)).

I [can] recommend this book because it has everything, (what) a good thriller has to have.
Wir leben bereits im morgigen gestern, doch vom gestrigen morgen sind wir noch weit entfernt.

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 74
Registriert: 1. Jul 2005 21:03

Beitrag von test »

What I enjoyed about the book?
simple past Fragestellung immer mit Did
What did I enjoy....
...and that makes her nice,
hmm weiß nicht, ob hier nice passend ist, wenn wirklich gemeint ist das sie ein nettes Mädchen ist trifft nice zu (good girl next door), im Hinblick auf sympathisch eher friendly oder likeable
(Mach mal bitte den Kontext deutlich, bzw.: was willst du sagen? -> ...and the reader [just] knows, what she's going to do (?)).
She takes an axe and the reader is wondering what will happen next.
