Comment on Tony Blair

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Comment on Tony Blair

Beitrag von amused_frog »

Hallo ihr lieben...ich hoffe, es ist nicht zu viel Text!?

Es wäre schön, wenn ihr den Text auf sprachliche Korrektheit überprüfen könntet. Ach, und ich hoffe ich war nicht allzu "Unart"-ig deutsch. :D

So, here we go:

It is quite obviously that there can be no “security or prosperity at home” without meeting the challenges of “conflict, terrorism, climate change and poverty”.
Whilst terrorist groups used to be national phenomena in the past, like the RAF in Germany or IRA in Northern Ireland, terrorists today no longer concentrate on one country, but on many.

Groups like the RAF and IRA had concrete political aims and stopped to terrorize when they had reached at least some of their aims or when they recognized that they had no chance.

Modern groups like the Al-Qaeda operate all over the world to fight against the consequences of globalisation, especially the dominance of the Western world.
Fighting groups like the Al-Qaeda alone, on a national level is absurd. And fighting these phenomena only by means of military would not be successfully either.
One of the main arguments of today’s terrorists is the rising poverty in their home countries in contrast to the rising prosperity in the Western World as a result of globalisation.

Besides helping countries like Afghanistan an Iraq to create a democratic government or the push for peace between Israel and Palestine.
The G8 states also have to help them to fight against poverty, to let them participate on the positive impacts of globalisation.
Only through the permanent struggle for life of the poorest in this world, the terrorists could gain in power.
Fighting terrorisms and poverty goes hand in hand and the responsibility for success lies at the richest countries of our world.

Another global challenge as a consequence of globalisation which affects all of us. Not only that every person has to act economically sensible and take care of our
nature in their everyday life. But also the industrial countries which cause lots of the extra greenhouse gases, e.g. by means of mass production, have to reduce pollution radically.

Saving the nature requires a global action as well as terrorism and poverty.

Thanks a lot. :D

Anglo Master
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Re: Comment on Tony Blair

Beitrag von Duckduck »

amused_frog hat geschrieben:Hallo ihr lieben...ich hoffe, es ist nicht zu viel Text!?

Es wäre schön, wenn ihr den Text auf sprachliche Korrektheit überprüfen könntet. Ach, und ich hoffe ich war nicht allzu "Unart"-ig deutsch. :D

So, here we go:

It is quite obviously (nach sog. linking verbs steht immer das Adjektiv) that there can be no “security or prosperity at home” without meeting the challenges of “conflict, terrorism, climate change and poverty”.
Whilst terrorist groups used to be national phenomena in the past, like the RAF in Germany or IRA in Northern Ireland, terrorists today no longer concentrate on one country, but act wordlwide.

Groups like the RAF and IRA had concrete political aims and stopped committing acts of terror when they had reached at least some of their aims or when they recognized that they had no chance.

Nowadays, groups like the Al-Qaeda operate all over the world to fight against the consequences of globalisation, especially the dominance of the Western world.
Fighting groups like the Al-Qaeda alone, on a national level is absurd. And fighting these phenomena only by means of military actions would not be successfully either.
One of the main arguments of today’s terrorists is the rising poverty in their home countries in contrast to the rising prosperity in the Western world as a result of globalisation.

Helping countries like Afghanistan and Iraq to create a democratic government is not enough, nor is the push for peace between Israel and Palestine sufficient.
The G8 states also have to support the states in fighting poverty by letting them participate in the positive impacts of globalisation.
Without a doubt, the terrorist's gain in power was significantly abetted by the growing dissatisfaction among the poorest of the world, struggling for survival.
Fighting terrorisms and fighting poverty goes hand in hand and the responsibility lies with the richest countries of our world.

Another global challenge which affects all of us and is a consequence of globalisation (hier fehlt deutlich ein Teil des Satzes, vermutlich global warming, climate change o.ä.) is the climate change. In order to face it, every person has to act in an economically (Du meinst doch ecologically, oder) sensible way and take care of our nature in their everyday life. But also the industrial countries, which cause lots of the extra greenhouse gases, e.g. by means of mass production, have to reduce pollution radically.

Saving the nature requires a global action as well as terrorism and poverty.
Ich weiß genau, was Du sagen willst, aber so, wie er hier steht, bedeutet er: "Die Rettung der Natur erfordert globales Handeln sowie Terrorismus und Armut." Das meintest Du sicher nicht, oder? Hier müßte es heißen: "Saving nature and fighting terrorism as well as poverty require global action."

Thanks a lot. :D
Great text! Denk Dir nix dabei, dass er etwas bunt ist, das meiste sind Vorschläge für den Ausdruck. Und Du warst wirklich sehr "artig", weiter so!

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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 25. Feb 2010 18:35
Muttersprache: German
Wohnort: NRW

Re: Comment on Tony Blair

Beitrag von amused_frog »

Das klingt doch gleich viel netter (-:

Danke Duckduck

Grüße :D
