Bewerbung für Austausch....Teil 2...:)

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Bewerbung für Austausch....Teil 2...:)

Beitrag von kristin_ »

Hallo ich bins nochmal :)
Ich hab die Bewerbung jetzt fast fertig..ich möchte nur noch einmal, dass jemand meinen zweiten Teil korrigiert. Also ich muss alles Mittwoch Vormittag abgeben also könnte ich bis Dienstag abend noch was verbessern, wenn erst später oder garnicht geantwortet wird, ist es auch nich ganz so schlimm. Dann weiß ich wenigstens was ich Falsch gemacht habe:P

Ich Bedanke mich jetzt schonmal ;)

Why do you want to participate in this exchange? What is your motivation?

Since I was able to know, that Australia is on the other side of the world, I want to go there.
I want to take part in this exchange because I think it is the best chance to experience this continent first-hand. To live in an Australian family and to go to their school is the perfect combination for me to improve my english as much as possible.
It would be interesting to find out the differences betweeen the German and the Australien school system and to wear their school uniforms.
I really want to learn something about the new culture and the different people. I think it is important to be informed about the differences between the countrys all over the world.
I am looking forward to the awesome nature and all the other free-living animales that do not live in Germany or Europe. I dream about holding an koala bear in my arms.
Additionally, I like to show my exchange student how the German life is and something about Münster's history.

What makes you the ideal person for this exchange?

I love travelling and I am open-minded to become aquainted with the Australian people.
Last year I was voted as the form-speaker for my class and I enjoyd it to speak up for my friends and solve their problems in its best solution. So I am sure that you can trust in me because my classmates did it too. I am self-confident therefore I have no problems to speak in front of a group. I get involved with the pupil council at our school and I was on a special seminar where you work in groups to improve things for the school.
In my opinion I am a tidy and punctual girl, which makes no problems to participate in this exchange. In the end I want to say that I am sure that I will be the ideal person for this exchange, because I am very tolerant and open for everything that might come.

-Ich weiß, besonders der letzte Teil hört sich total 'schleimig' an...aber ich dachte mir man muss sich ja irgendwie auch selbst verkaufen und ich wusste nicht genau wies noch besser geht.. :angel:

Kann auch erst nur ein Teil durchgeschaut werden ;)
Liebe Grüße, Kristin

Anglo Master
Beiträge: 3687
Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Bewerbung für Austausch....Teil 2...:)

Beitrag von Duckduck »

Why do you want to participate in this exchange? What is your motivation?

Ever since I was able to understand, that Australia is on the other side of the world I have been dreaming of going there.
I want to take part in this exchange because I think it is the best chance to experience this continent first-hand. To live in an Australian family and to go to an Australian school is the perfect combination for me to improve my English as much as possible.
It would be interesting to find out the differences betweeen the German and the Australien school system and to wear a school uniforms.
I really want to learn something about the new culture and the different people. I think it is important to be informed about the differences between the countries all over the world.
I am looking forward to the awesome nature and all the other free-living animales that do not live in Germany or Europe. I dream about holding an koala bear in my arms.
Additionally, I would like to show my exchange student what life in Germany is like and something about Münster's history.

What makes you the ideal person for this exchange?

I love travelling and I am keen to become acquainted with the Australian people.
Last year I was voted as the form-speaker for my class and I enjoyed it to speak up for my friends and solve their problems in the best way possible. So I am sure that you can put trust in me (or "trust me") because my classmates did so too. I am self-confident and I have no problems speaking in front of a group. I work with the pupil council at our school and I was on a special seminar where you work in groups to improve things for the school.
In my opinion I am a tidy and punctual girl, which makes no problems to participate in this exchange. Finally I would like to say that I am sure that I will be the ideal person (Too much, I think, don't forget the English understatement! Why not something like: "I am quite convinced I should be a good choice") for this exchange, because I am very tolerant and open for everything that might come.

Dear Kristin,
very well done, I think!
Best wishes, enjoy Australia and

Good luck says
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