Wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Kommentar korrekturlesen würde

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Slow Speller
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 25. Okt 2009 00:37
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Wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Kommentar korrekturlesen würde

Beitrag von olladeluxe »

Hallo, ich wäre dem, der sich mal meinen Kommentar zur "Death Penalty"durchlesen würde, sehr dankbar.
Besonders die mit der Kommasetzung im Englischen hab ichs einfach nicht so :mrgreen:
Ich bin mir auch nich ganz sicher ob das was ich geschrieben hab so sinnvoll ist, das Thema ist ja auch nicht so ganz einfach, auch wenn man eigentlich viel schreiben kann.

Danke schonmal
Death Penalty: Yes – No?

Well, commenting this issue is probably one of the most difficult things. No, it is definitely the hardest and most sophisticated question to feel strongly about.
To begin with, I am not very sure if I’m against Death Penalty or not, but I think normally nobody, not even the government is given the right to kill someone. Doesn’t it make them the same as a murderer, too? Doesn’t it touch the human rights?
Moreover in my opinion two wrongs don’t make a right. What I want to say is, that the execution isn’t really a redress for the family members and doesn’t make the death person alive.
I’m not sure if the allowing of exceptions would be acceptable. On second thoughts maybe execution of Death Penalty for very cruel and horrible murders, provided the innocence of the person who is going to be executed is beyond all question, would be morally acceptable, but governmental mistakes aren’t impossible and you can’t revoke Death Penalty. Imagine you are sitting in a prison and you are waiting for your execution day by day although you know you are innocent. Probably one of the most horrible thoughts, but to give a true answer to this question we would have to try walking in their shoes.
Maybe Death Penalty is good for scaring people committing such terrible crimes but aren’t potential murders of horrible and cruel crimes mostly people who are mentally ill and you have to wonder if you are able to scare such people with Death Penalty. At the same time reduction of crime since execution of murders isn’t proved as well.
Of course Death Penalty is a protection of the state, but just as well the lifelong prison sentence. Moreover I think if they execute them, isn’t exactly this a kind of a gift for the murderer? Wouldn’t it be better to let the murderer suffer the rest of his life and think about his crime? Of course it is hard but in my opinion the better way of punishment isn’t it.
All in all you can see that I don’t feel very strongly about Death Penalty but finally I noticed that I’ve directly found some counter-arguments for my few arguments for execution of murderers, so that I can say I think nobody is helped with death penalty neither the government nor the victims family members.

Anglo Master
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Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
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Re: Wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Kommentar korrekturlesen würde

Beitrag von Duckduck »

olladeluxe hat geschrieben:Hallo, ich wäre dem, der sich mal meinen Kommentar zur "Death Penalty"durchlesen würde, sehr dankbar.
Besonders die mit der Kommasetzung im Englischen hab ich's einfach nicht so :mrgreen:
Ich bin mir auch nicht ganz sicher, ob das, was ich geschrieben habe, so sinnvoll ist. Das Thema ist ja auch nicht so ganz einfach, auch wenn man eigentlich viel schreiben kann.

Danke schon mal
Death Penalty: Yes – No?

Well, this issue is probably one of the most difficult to comment on. No, it is definitely the hardest and most complicated questions to feel strongly about.
To begin with, I am not quite sure if I’m against the Death Penalty or not. I don't think anybody, not even the government, has the right to kill someone. Doesn’t it make them murderers, too? Doesn’t it violate the human rights?
Moreover, in my opinion two wrongs don’t make a right. What I want to say is that the execution isn’t really a redress for the victim's family members and doesn’t bring the dead person back to life.
I’m not sure if the allowing of any exceptions were acceptable. On second thoughts, maybe execution of the death penalty for very cruel and horrible murders would be in order. Provided that the guilt of the person who is going to be executed is ascertained beyond all doubt, would be morally acceptable,. But then, governmental mistakes aren’t impossible and you can’t revoke the death penalty, once it has been executed. Imagine you are sitting in a prison and you are waiting for your execution day after day although you know you are innocent. Probably one of the most horrible thoughts, but to give a true answer to this question we would have to try walking in their the convict's shoes.
Maybe death penalty is good for detering people from committing such terrible crimes. But aren’t potential murderers of horrible and cruel crimes often people who are mentally ill? And you have to wonder if you are able to scare such people with the death penalty. At the same time, the reduction of crime since the introduction of the death penalty for murder hasn't been proven so far.
Of course the death penalty is a protection of the state, but so is the lifelong prison sentence. Moreover, I think, if the delinquent is executed, isn’t exactly this a kind of a "gift" for the murderer? Wouldn’t it be better to let them suffer for the rest of their lives and think about their crime? Of course it is hard, but in my opinion, the better way of punishment isn’t it.WHAT?
All in all, you can see that I don’t have a strong conviction about Death Penalty either way. But after all I noticed that I could easily find some counter-arguments to my few arguments for the execution of murderers. So that I can say, I doubt that the death penalty is the correct solution for the problem - neither for the government nor for the victim's family members.
Wow, quite a lot and good arguments. Just try to avoid long and complicated sentences, the English don't like them.

Good luck says
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Slow Speller
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 25. Okt 2009 00:37
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Kommentar korrekturlesen würde

Beitrag von olladeluxe »

Thanks !
Wow there were many mistakes in my comment :rolleyes:

Slow Speller
Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 25. Okt 2009 00:37
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Wäre nett wenn jemand meinen Kommentar korrekturlesen würde

Beitrag von olladeluxe »

Noch eine Frage:
Wann schreibe ich nun "thedeath penalty und wann"death penalty" ?
