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Frequent Typer
Beiträge: 107
Registriert: 13. Aug 2009 15:57
Muttersprache: Deutsch


Beitrag von marvin92 »

Mrs. Foster is a married wife and has a daughter, who lives in Paris. Her husband, Mr Eugene Foster, is round about seventy years old. They live in a large sixty storey house in New York City, on East Sixty-secod Street. Mrs Foster has a strange kind of characteristic, because she always want to be punctual by getting trains, planes or other things. If she is afraid of missing one of these things in time, she is going to have twicht on her left eye more than one hour long. Besides the woman is a really good and lovely person. One fact , which confirm this fact is, that she do takes care of three grandchildren, who are living in France, but they don't know each other well (also die Kinder kennen die Frau nicht so gut). Nevertheless her kindness isn't as good as it seems, because she always ask her husband for permission, which shows, that she can't do things on her own, so she is also a kind of disabled by her husband. (Eigentlich woltle ich"Zum Ende des Textes hin" schreiben, aber habe daraus Am Ende des Textes gemacht, weil ich nicht wusste wie es heißt) At the end of the text her entire characteristic is changed, because she didn't ask her husband for something and she didn't wait until her husband is ready for going to airport by car, she just take the cab without Mr Foster.

Habe im richtigen Text noch Zeilenangaben, aber diese sind hier für das Verständnis nicht notwendig.

Würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand Tipps und Verbesserungsvorschläge geben könnte, schreibe nach den Ferien eine Klausur darüber.

Anglo Master
Beiträge: 3687
Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Charakterisierung

Beitrag von Duckduck »

marvin92 hat geschrieben:Mrs. Foster is a married woman and has a daughter, who lives in Paris. Her husband, Mr Eugene Foster, is about seventy years old. They live in a large sixty storey house in New York City, on East Sixty-second Street. Mrs. Foster has a strange foible: she always wants to be punctual when she has to reach trains, planes or other means of transport. If she is worried about missing one of these, she develops a twitch in her left eye which lasts for more than one hour. Apart from that the woman is a really good and lovely person. This fact is confirmed by her taking care of three grandchildren, who live in France, although they don't know each other well. Nevertheless, her kindness isn't as good as it seems, because she always asks her husband for permission, which shows, that she can't do things by herself, so she is also constrained by her husband. Towards the end of the text her entire personality is changed, though: she doesn't ask her husband for permission and she doesn't wait until he is ready to go to the airport by car, she just takes a cab without Mr Foster.

Habe im richtigen Text noch Zeilenangaben, aber diese sind hier für das Verständnis nicht notwendig.

Würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand Tipps und Verbesserungsvorschläge geben könnte, schreibe nach den Ferien eine Klausur darüber.
Ich habe den grünen Teil nicht ganz verstanden, also inhaltlich: Wieso ist ihre Freundlichkeit nicht echt, wenn sie unter dem Pantoffel ihres Mannes steht? Vielleicht da noch mal überlegen, was genau Du sagen willst?
Denke an das -s bei 3. Person Singular.

Good luck says
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