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Habe ich folgenden Text gut verfasst? Sind da Fehler?

Beitrag von DerUnbekannteVogel »

Guten Tag, ich habe hier als Hausaufgabe einen englischen Text verfasst
(genauer: Aus dem Buch DEATH OF A SALESMANN - Betrachtung der Szene,wo Biff und Happy mit Willy(Vater) Essen wollen im Restaurant, durch den Kellner Stanley )

Aykut Ince – Englisch Hausaufgabe – Stanley

The two boys came in to the bar to have a dinner with their father and also to spend a good night with him, but it was very surprising for me, because this activity was very rare from them. I was lucky to see Willy laughing and passing good time with his boys.

When I and Happy cared for the tables, chairs and other stuff to have a good night, all was good, till Biff entered. The whole atmosphere changed. I could hear, that the big deal, also Happy told me from, were blown up, and they spoke about, that Willy will be sad about that it. Biff was very seriously, but Happy wanted him not to say something to his dad about that bad news. They got very nervous. After just a few ten minutes Willy entered the room, with a smiling face, and full of joy, to spend a night with his boys and to get the good news, expected from Willy of Biff, that he got the money.
I knew that this was not the case, and I could think, that something bad would happen. My fear was confirmed – Biff tried to explain his father, what happened and Happy tried to prevent Biff to tell the whole truth. He wanted him to tell Willy, that he will have a meeting tomorrow, and that all will be good, and he will get the money. But Biff threw him the whole truth into the face. Willy didn’t know what to say, also because he lost his job, and for him, all luck,all futur was in the hands of Biff.
Willy spoke with himself again and again, he didn’t know what to do – the planed good night changed it to a dramatic night.
But what I absolutly cannot believe is, altough Biff tried to explain the truth and Happy wanted to have a problemless night, that they let their father alone, with the hurting truth, turned their back to him and their attention to the girls, entering the bar.
I was very shocked, because I am also a father, and I could not believe what happened.
The boys left the bar, and I found Willy collapsed on the ground in the bathroom – it was a painful view, to see him like that.

Ist das korrekt so? Von der Grammatik her und habe ich passende Wörter benutzt?
Das soll jetzt nicht so sein, dass ihr meien Hausaufgabe machen sollt oder so, ich möchte nur sichergehen, dass der Text gut zu verstehen und möglichst Fehlerfrei ist, da ich es abgeben muss und keine schlechte Note erhalten möchte.

Ich bedanke mich schon jetzt im Voraus :)
