Letter of motivation? Berichtugung?

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Letter of motivation? Berichtugung?

Beitrag von Lisa210106 »

ich bin neu hier in dem Forum, weil ich vorhabe für 4 Monate nach England/Bournemouth zu gehen. Work&Learn nennt sich das Ganze. Ich arbeite dort festgelegt in einem Hotel für meine Unterkunft/Verpflegung, nebenbei habe ich n Sprachkurs usw. Dafür soll ich meiner Agentur einen Letter of motivation zusenden. Den senden sie an den möglichen Arbeitgeber. Ich habe jedoch das Gefühl, dass ich seid meinem Abi im Juli sämtliche Englischkenntnisse vergessen habe. :shock:
Nun brauche ich dringend Hilfe. Ich habe den Text nach einer Gliederung verfasst.

1)deine Person
2)Warum Ausland? Warum England?
3)Qualifikationen und Kenntnisse
4)Wie hab ich mich aufs Ausland vorbereitet, was werde ich bei einer Zusage noch tuen?
6)Wie profitiert Unternehmen von mir?
7)Welche Tätigkeiten kann ich dort ausüben?
8)Wie kann ich sicherstellen, dass ich dem Unternehmen nicht zur Last falle?

So sieht mein Text aus, es wäre super, wenn mir Jemand Tipps&Tricks verraten könnte.

During the last eight years I went to the secondary school in ***. I took my A-level on the 10th July 2009 with a grade point average of 2,1.
In the year 2010 I want to begin an integrated degree program (business administration or media management).

Firstly I am very interested in other countries and cultures. I like dealing with all sorts of different people.
Secondary improving my English is very important for my eventual working life, because I am very interested in an international company.
Finally it is crucial to vitalize the autonomy and to grow in confidence. Equally it is interesting to establish contacts and find new friends. I hope that there are many new experiences and unforgettable impressions enriching my life.

England is attractive in many aspects. I want to experience different sort of culture and politics. I am curious about celebrating Christmas and New Year's in England.
Another point to consider is that as far as I am concerned I like the accent the English have.
From my investigations via the internet I found out that Bournemouth seems to be a very lovely and interesting town.

In the year 2007 I served an internship in the hotel and restaurant "***" for two weeks. I greeted and entertained guests, did the shopping together with the principal and cleaned the rooms.
Moreover I worked in the "***" for six times, where I sold beer and sausages to the costumers.
In the same manner I worked on two weddings as a waitress and a couple of times in a discotheque, where I learned to deal with sundry persons.

During the last four weeks I obsessed two friends being in Australia for twelve months. It was very interesting to hear their experiences. They would advise everyone staying abroad. This was my ultimate decision to go to England.

My comment of language in school was about nine or ten points. But I loved speaking english outside school. I called for instance people from other countries via the internet and practised speaking english.
Moreover I met people from all over the world on arrangements, so I interpreted for my friends.

My character is very agreeable and I like dealing with people from other countries. Through my working in different facilities I learned working independently. I am very accurate and curious to learn new things and enlarge my knowledge.

I will do every possible work but through my experiences I even could work as a waitress.
I am a workaholic, because I hate being bored. That is why I am very committed and target. I attend duties and responsibilities with carefulness and autonomy.

In advance I thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely
