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Bitte um Korrektur

Beitrag von bjoern89 »

In the following text I will comment the question "SHOULD PEOPLE GIVE MONEY TO BEGGARS?", which is been written by Michael and Debi Stanes in the magazine "business spotlight." It is an controverse text, because Michael is an beggar and has got problems to live without money, bacuase he has not any money - he must sleep on the street. He "setzt sich" with the question "auseinander", if its e a good reason to give a bagger not money, "sondern" a the money to a special homeless organization. On the one hand he is not been sure, if money by a homeless organiztion is been in "guten Händen", cause maybe they pay with this their own administration costs.
On the other hand it is for some people difficult to give money to a homeless people, because they thinks that the money is for alcohlic or drugs. This is the point of view of Michael.

Debi Stanes opinion is clearly structured. She tinks, if people give money to a bagger, he or she will be help him or her stay a bagger.
She thinks, that it is be a better way to give money to a homeless organization and not directly to a bagger.
She "unterstützt" her opinion because they have got big problems with aggressvie begarrs in Atlanta. Furthermore she tinks that some baggers are more hustlers which do not need really money.
She starts a campaign with the slogan "give change that make sense". This should be a reason that homeless people do not more baggering? (= betteln) on the street.


English Legend
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Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Re: Bitte um Korrektur

Beitrag von Keswick »

bjoern89 hat geschrieben:In the following text I will comment on the question "SHOULD PEOPLE GIVE MONEY TO BEGGARS?", which was written by Michael and Debi Stanes in the magazine "Business Spotlight." It is a controverse text, because Michael is a beggar and has got problems to live without money, because he has not got any money - he must sleep in the streets. He "setzt sich"*with the question "auseinander"*, if it is a good idea to not give money to a beggar, "sondern"* to give the money to a special homeless organization. On the one hand he is not been sure, if money is in good hands with, because maybe they pay their own administration costs with it.
On the other hand it is difficult for some people to give money to a homeless people, because they think that the money is for alcohol or for drugs. This is Michael's the point of view.

Debi Stanes opinion is clearly structured. She thinks, if people give money to beggars, they will be help them or they stay a beggars.
She thinks, that it is be a better way to give money to a homeless organization and not directly to a beggar.
She "unterstützt"* her opinion because they have got big problems with aggressive beggars in Atlanta. Furthermore she thinks that some beggars are more hustlers who do not really need money.
She starts a campaign with the slogan "give change that make sense". This should prevent homeless people from (= betteln)* on the streets.

*Diese Woerter schau bitte im Woerterbuch nach.

Benutze ein Rechtschreibprogramm.

Wie kann es denn sein, dass du das Wort BEGGAR trotz Vorgabe im Titel kein einziges Mal richtig geschrieben hast?
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British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 16. Sep 2009 14:02
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Bitte um Korrektur

Beitrag von bjoern89 »

ja danke für diew korrektur. soo viel scheint ja doch nicht falsch zu sein.. welches wort kann ich anstelle von "because" noch benutzen? weil ich wiederhole es ja eigentlich ganz schön oft....
