Wahlsystem Beschreibung/Unterschied......bitte um Korrektur

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Wahlsystem Beschreibung/Unterschied......bitte um Korrektur

Beitrag von Ogi81 »

Hallo an alle, kann mir bitte vielleicht einer hier helfen und den Text korrigieren...Danke im Voaraus!

The first difference is the naming of the head of government. In Germany is he
colled Federal Chancellor, in the USA is he called President.
But, both are responsible in her respective country as a head of government for the political course of the country.
The US president can be elected only twice each time for a four year term.
The German Federal Chansellor can be elected as often as it is able.
A US candidate must have been born in USA.
The German candidate must olnly have a German citizenshep. He can have been born in a other country.
Another difference exists in the appointing of the Federal Chancellor and the president of the USA.
The German Federal Chancellor is chosen by the Bundestag.
There is not own ballot of the people to the appointiing of the Federal Chancellor in Germany.
However, in the USA the people elect the president, indeed, only indirectly.
It is tuned individually between the candidates in every state of the USA.

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Re: Wahlsystem Beschreibung/Unterschied......bitte um Korrektur

Beitrag von Keswick »

Ogi81 hat geschrieben:Hallo an alle, kann mir bitte vielleicht einer hier helfen und den Text korrigieren...Danke im Vorraus!

The first difference is the title of the head of government. In Germany he is
called Federal Chancellor, in the USA he is called President.
But as head of government, both are responsible for the political course of their respective country.
The president of the United States can be elected only twice, each time for a four year term.
The German Federal Chancellor can be elected as often as it is able.(Lies das mal lieber nochmal nach, das stimmt nicht!)
A US candidate must have been born in the USA.
The German candidate must only have a German citizenship. They can have been born in a other country. (Unnoetig)
Another difference exists in the appointing of the Federal Chancellor and the president of the USA.
The German Federal Chancellor is chosen by the Bundestag.
It is not up to the people to vote for the appointment of the Federal Chancellor in Germany.
However, in the USA the people elect the president, indeed, only indirectly.(was meinst du?)
It is tuned individually between the candidates in every state of the USA.(was meinst du?)
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.
