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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 31. Mai 2009 00:06
Muttersprache: German

Satzstellung für kurzen Vortrag überprüfen? Bitte helft mir.

Beitrag von Apollo13 »

Hallo, soll einen kurzen Vortrag über das Thema "TV kills conversation" halten, naja so wirklich viel ist mir dazu bisher nicht eingefallen,bitte bitte helft mir ein bisschen vielleicht hatt ja jemand von euch noch eine gute idee :( , bisher habe ich nur das:

Watching TV is a big Problem of todays people.
On an average the Germans are watching 3 hours and 44 minutes TV per day.
100 years ago the humans had to talk to each other to get informations because the TV was not invented and they could not watch the news.
Todays people do not talk to each other because they can get all informations from the Television or from the Internet so the media kills the conversation.
While people are watching a talk shows they do not talk to each other, they’re just watching and listening to problems of people which they don’t know but they don’t care about there own Problems. Watching TV can be a big problem because if you are a TV addict you are not interested in living your own real life because you are just interested in watching talkshows and movies and not in talking to other people.

kann vielleicht einer von euch auch nochmal die Satzstellung überprüfen.......:( :question:

MfG Apollo :roll:
