Text verbessern (Internet)

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 3. Mai 2009 16:38
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Text verbessern (Internet)

Beitrag von h3n3 »

Hallo zusammen!

Hab' mal einen kurzen Text über Internet-Abhängigkeit geschrieben und würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr ihn mal durchlesen, korrigieren (und vllt. auch verbessern) könntet :wink1:

Information is becoming the drug of the early 21st century. A research has shown that we are witnessing the rise of a generation of dataholics. Many people spend a lot of their leisure time in front of their computer. They are glued to the screen and always in search of new information. Therefore, the quest for information can lead to stress, loss of job satisfaction and tension with colleagues. Playing online games, watching movies or chatting with other people are very popular with children. By the way there is a very fine line between having enough information and getting too much.


