bitte um korrektur

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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 9. Aug 2007 16:56

bitte um korrektur

Beitrag von ewwwa »

hallo ! .. ich musste letztens eine nacherzählung schreiben. könnte jemand sie vielleicht nachgucken ? .. ich wäre echt sehr froh darüber. die indirekte rede kommt mir iwie falsch vor.

The tramp
It was a finde afternoon. The sun shone warmly down from a cloudless sky. I had a conference in an inn. As i cam out, my eyes were pleasantly dazzled from the strong light. I was refreshed by the lunch i had just had. Having a feeling of content, i breathed in deeply. The air smelled fresh and good. Slight breeze moved in the treetops. I put on sunglasses and walked across the gravel. It had been a tiring conference. I tought of going to the golf course. I looked foward to the last part of my journey. It would be two and a half hours to home. Then a tramp talked to me. He asked me if I could give him a lift. I agreed. The Tramp smiled thankfuly and said that his shoes would never make such a long distance. We got into the Jag. He was silent. I felt unsure and looked to the tramp. He sat with an air of absolute ease, his arms were folded and he looked placidy out of the window. I felt vaguely uncomfortable. So I began talking. I told the tramp that my two sons were at the public school., that my wife drove a MG. And we wanted to buy a newer model of a Jag. But he dind't react and looked dreamily out of the window. Then the tramp said that the landscape was really beautiful. It was the Somerset. As we arrives Bridgewater, the tramp got out of the car and said to me that he hoped i would make a lot of money. I respondered that it sufficed for a house, a swimming-pool and a golf course. When the tramp went away, I felt strangily drepressed. But I didn't no why.

danke liebe grüße !!

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 9. Aug 2007 16:56

Beitrag von ewwwa »

hallo ? ... bitte ... ! es wird morgen eingesammelt und ich steh bei der lehrerin total mies =( .. bin nicht so gut in englisch.
könnt es vll jemand korrigieren ?

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: 9. Aug 2007 16:56

Beitrag von ewwwa »

hey .. also jetzt ist das schon ok .. ich hab einiges verbessert .. hab an manchen stellen voll den quatsch geschrieben ..

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Beitrag von George »

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