Bite um Korrektur und Frage zum Satzbau

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Tongue Twister
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Registriert: 27. Nov 2005 12:26
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Bite um Korrektur und Frage zum Satzbau

Beitrag von Fantamoax »

Hallo Leute, Ich muss mal wieder Eure Hilfe in Anspruch nehmen.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob der Satzbau in dem blau markierten Teil richtig ist. :( und wie ich den Satz umbauen müsste..

What different things has the state failed to do according to each of the newspaper report?

In the first newspaper report “The Welfare State” write the author that the system has become extremely complicated, besides the costs of social security are exploded since 1950.In the second newspaper report write the author that the governments problem the unemployment is.
Besides he wrote that a main problem the “Time Bomb” is. The old, who needed a lot of care, are growing in numbers all the time.

What effect does unemployment have on the Welfare State?

Workless people needed financial help from the state. The people pay no income tax .Besides unemployed people pay no money in the social insurance. Consequently the government hasn’t enough money for the Welfare State. This is a vicious circle.

Frequent Typer
Beiträge: 157
Registriert: 25. Okt 2005 04:12
Muttersprache: german

Re: Bite um Korrektur und Frage zum Satzbau

Beitrag von licorice_lilly »

hallo fantamoax,

du hattest zwar nur nach bem blauen teil gefragt, ich habe aber den ganzen teil gecheckt.. hoffe das is in Ordnung....
Fantamoax hat geschrieben:What different things has the state failed to do according to each of the newspaper report?

In the first newspaper report, “The Welfare State”, the author says that the system has become extremely complicated. Besides, the costs of social security have been expoding since 1950. In the second newspaper report, the author says (um eine wiederholung zu vermeiden könntest du auch 'claims/tells us' verwenden that the government's problem is the unemployment (rate).
Besides, he says that the main problem is the “Time Bomb”. The number of old people, who need a lot of care, increases continuously.

What effect does unemployment have on the Welfare State?

Unemployed people need financial help from the state and pay no income tax. Besides, unemployed people don't contribute to the social insurance. Consequently, the government hasn’t enough money for the Welfare State. This is a vicious circle.
viele grüsse,
