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Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 27. Nov 2005 12:26
Wohnort: Nordhessen

Bitte um Hilfe bei Lückentext

Beitrag von Fantamoax »

Hallo Leute, ich möchte euch bitten meinen Lückentext zu überprüfen,
im vorletzten Abschnitt komme ich mit dem If Satz nicht klar :( Unser Lehrer hat uns den Text aus einer seiner letzten Arbeiten gegeben....

The following is part of a conversation between two young people taking place (to take place) after a TV program in general world problems:

G: for (since/for) many years they have been told (to tell) us about how to save (to save) energy, newspaper and magazines are filled with articles, not mention the role TV permanently (permanent) plays! Can’t listen to it any longer (long)!

J: You’re right, Graham, but sooner or later all these (this) problems will have to be solved, won’t they?

G: Yes, but I’m sure our time isn’t as high (high) as some (some/any) politicians want to make us believe! We should simply (simple) invest more (much) money in development (to develop) entire (entire) new sources of energy - we did while (while/during) the last few years.

J: Well, I don’t agree (not to agree) with what you say. Imagine, we wouldn’t reach (not to reach) our present standard of living if people of days gone by had been wasting (to waste) as the most (many) natural resources as we still wasting (still, to waste) these days!

G: What I mean is this: don’t worry about a time that (which/that) is still more over (much) 50 years away from now! I think we’d better supported (to support) underdeveloped nations!
