OOPT/ The Cosmos/ Cloze Test

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OOPT/ The Cosmos/ Cloze Test

Beitrag von doubletrouble »

ich lerne gerade für den OOPT. Bei einer Aufgabe muss man einen Lückentext ausfüllen. Da es hierzu keine Musterlösung gibt, habe ich mir selbst ein paar Gedanken gemacht (siehe Text 2). Wenn ihr Vorschläge für andere Lösungswörter habt, würde ich mich sehr freuen. 
Viele Grüße, doubletrouble
Complete the text below. Write ONE word only into each space. There is an example
Text 1 ohne Lösung:
The Cosmos
The Cosmos is an acclaimed charitable organisation, dedicated (0)  the art of storytelling. It was founded by artist and best-selling author Samuel Lukas. Samuel 21  out to recreate, in Bangkok, the feeling of the dark winter evenings in 22  native Norway, where he and a group of friends 23  regularly gather around a fire in one of their gardens to share captivating tales. They were inspired by the starlit sky above them on those cloudless evenings, and as a result, the group started calling 24  The Cosmos.
The first Bangkok Cosmos event was held on Samuel’s small balcony, but word 25  fast. In no time at all, events were taking place in cafes and clubs across the city. Audiences are drawn to the stories 26  moths to a flame. What is remarkable about The Cosmos is that, since its launch in 1986, thousands of stories have been told live and 27  the use of any notes to audiences in packed out venues all over the world. Those cold nights spent under the stars were the start of something much bigger than Samuel and his friends could ever have anticipated. (0) at the beginning.
Text 2 mit Vorschlägen
The Cosmos is an acclaimed charitable organisation, dedicated (0)  the art of storytelling. It was founded by artist and best-selling author Samuel Lukas. Samuel 21 was out to recreate, in Bangkok, the feeling of the dark winter evenings in 22 the native Norway, where he and a group of friends 23 came/did regularly gather around a fire in one of their gardens to share captivating tales. They were inspired by the starlit sky above them on those cloudless evenings, and as a result, the group started calling 24 it The Cosmos.
The first Bangkok Cosmos event was held on Samuel’s small balcony, but word 25 got fast. In no time at all, events were taking place in cafes and clubs across the city. Audiences are drawn to the stories 26 like moths to a flame. What is remarkable about The Cosmos is that, since its launch in 1986, thousands of stories have been told live and 27 just  the use of any notes to audiences in packed out venues all over the world. Those cold nights spent under the stars were the start of something much bigger than Samuel and his friends could ever have anticipated.

Anglo Master
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Re: OOPT/ The Cosmos/ Cloze Test

Beitrag von Duckduck »

doubletrouble hat geschrieben: Hi, Hi doubletrouble und willkommen im Forum!  :)
ich lerne gerade für den OOPT. Bei einer Aufgabe muss man einen Lückentext ausfüllen. Da es hierzu keine Musterlösung gibt, habe ich mir selbst ein paar Gedanken gemacht (siehe Text 2). Wenn ihr Vorschläge für andere Lösungswörter habt, würde ich mich sehr freuen. 
Viele Grüße, doubletrouble
Complete the text below. Write ONE word only into each space. There is an example
Text 1 ohne Lösung:
The Cosmos
The Cosmos is an acclaimed charitable organisation, dedicated (0)  the art of storytelling. It was founded by artist and best-selling author Samuel Lukas. Samuel 21  out to recreate, in Bangkok, the feeling of the dark winter evenings in 22  native Norway, where he and a group of friends 23  regularly gather around a fire in one of their gardens to share captivating tales. They were inspired by the starlit sky above them on those cloudless evenings, and as a result, the group started calling 24  The Cosmos.
The first Bangkok Cosmos event was held on Samuel’s small balcony, but word 25  fast. In no time at all, events were taking place in cafes and clubs across the city. Audiences are drawn to the stories 26  moths to a flame. What is remarkable about The Cosmos is that, since its launch in 1986, thousands of stories have been told live and 27  the use of any notes to audiences in packed out venues all over the world. Those cold nights spent under the stars were the start of something much bigger than Samuel and his friends could ever have anticipated. (0) at the beginning. Wenn der Punkt ein Tippfehler ist, stimmt es so. Wenn nicht, würde ich not vorschlagen. Unten fehlt der Rest einfach mal...  :shock:  :wink:
Text 2 mit Vorschlägen
The Cosmos is an acclaimed charitable organisation, dedicated to  the art of storytelling. It was founded by artist and best-selling author Samuel Lukas. Samuel 21 was out to recreate, in Bangkok, the feeling of the dark winter evenings in 22 his native country? Norway, where he and a group of friends 23 would regularly gather around a fire in one of their gardens to share captivating tales. They were inspired by the starlit sky above them on those cloudless evenings, and as a result, the group started calling 24 itself The Cosmos.
The first Bangkok Cosmos event was held on Samuel’s small balcony, but word 25 spread fast. In no time at all, events were taking place in cafes and clubs across the city. Audiences are drawn to the stories 26 like moths to a flame. What is remarkable about The Cosmos is that, since its launch in 1986, thousands of stories have been told live and 27  without the use of any notes to audiences in packed out venues all over the world. Those cold nights spent under the stars were the start of something much bigger than Samuel and his friends could ever have anticipated. ????
So, schau es doch mal durch und frage gerne nach, wenn Dir etwas nicht klar ist.

Grüße von
Duckduck :chief:
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