Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

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Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 4. Apr 2021 19:16
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

Beitrag von mgerlachsc »

ich hab mal wieder eine Hausaufgabe. Kann jemand bitte Korrektur lesen? Es sieht mehr aus, als es ist  :spin:.
Vielen Dank vorab, Ihr seit eine wirklich große Hilfe.

Conditional sentences - Complete the following sentences.
a) If Scrooge paid Bob Cratchit higher wages, ... (second conditional) -> If Scrooge paid Bob Cratchit higher wages, it would help Cratchit’s family.
b) If Scrooge does not help Tiny Tim, ... (first conditional) -> If Scrooge does not help Tiny Tim, he will die.
Passive sentences - Change the following sentences from active to passive. 
His love of gold had taken her place in his heart. -> Her place in his heart had been taken by his love for gold.
The Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to watch Bob Cratchit and his family celebrating Christmas. -> Scrooge is taken to watch Bob Cratchit and his family celebrating Christmas by the ghost of Christmas Present.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his own grave in a cold and lonely churchyard. -> Scrooge is shown his own grave in a cold and lonely churchyard by the Ghost of Christmas yet.
Questions on the story - Look at your copy of A Christmas Carol and answer these questions. Write complete sentences. Please mind the tense in the questions: If a question is in the present tense, you should answer in the present tense.
Prisons and workhouses can’t really make people merry at Christmas time.
a) Who says this? One of the two gentlemen says this, who visit Scrooge in his office for collecting money to buy some food and drink for the poor.
b) To whom are the words spoken? The words are spoken to Mr. Scrooge.
c) Why are they talking about prisons and workhouses? They are talking about prisons and workhouses, because Scrooge thinks that poor people should live there who haven’t got a home or something to eat.
d)  What happens when the two people meet again? When the two people meet again, Mr. Scrooge apologizes for his behavior and asks for forgiveness. He gives them some money for previous years when he had not given anything. Mr. Scrooge invites the gentlemen to visit him again to give more money.
God bless us all, every one!
a) Who says this? Tiny Tim, the little son of Bob Cratchit, says this.
b) Where and when are the words spoken? The words are spoken around the fire at Bob Cratchit’s house at Christmas.
c) What happens to the speaker in the end? He didn’t die. Tiny Tim is healthy and happy again.
d) Who helps him, and why does he do it? Mr. Scrooge helps his family because The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showed Scrooge that Tiny Tim will die. Scrooge decides to change his life and now he wants honour Christmas in his heart and help other people who suffer. He became like a second father to the family.
Give one example of the way in which each of these people or ghosts is kind to Ebenezer Scrooge.
a) Bob Cratchit is kind to Scrooge when he .../because he ... -> Bob Cratchit is kind to Scrooge when he drinks to his health because it’s Christmas.
b) Marley’s ghost ... -> Marley’s ghost is kind to Scrooge on Christmas Eve. He visit Scrooge to warn him and tells him that he still has a chance not to wander around as a restless ghost later on.
c) Scrooge’s nephew Fred ... -> Scrooge’s nephew Fred is kind to him every time when he comes to his office to wish him merry Christmas. Every year he bless him by God and invite him to have dinner with him and his family. Even though Scrooge doesn't want to come, his nephew wants to give him the chance to join them.
d) The Ghost of Christmas Present ... -> The Ghost of Christmas Present is kind to Scrooge when he shows him how Bob Cratchit’s family and his nephew celebrating Christmas time. Scrooge sees that there are people like Bob and Fred who thinking of him.
Put in the correct word - You may have to change the word to make it grammatically correct, e. g. help® helping. Please copy out the whole text because this will make it easier for you to decide on the correct form for each word.
workhouse, role, literature, write, character, criticise, condition, stamp, attention, century, describe, force, unfortunate, language, help, translate, novelist, suffer
Charles Dickens lived in the 19th (1) century. His novels played a considerable (2) role in (3) writing to draw people’s (4) character to the catastrophic living and working (5) condition of that time. He was the first (6) novelist to (7) attention about the hardship which many people had to (8) criticize. He particularly (9) describe the (10) workhouses where the poor, homeless and other (11) unfortunate people were (12) suffer to live. Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol has been (13) translate into nearly every (14) language in the world and its (15) force are known everywhere. The name of Scrooge has entered the English language and is used to (16) helping someone who collects money like other people collect (17) stamps and who loves money just for itself. Tiny Tim has become a much loved character in English (18) literature.
Commentary - Which of the three spirits do you think has the greatest influence on Ebenezer Scrooge, and why does this one influence him more than the other two spirits do?
In my opinion The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has the greatest influence on Ebenezer Scrooge because he shows him his own
grave. The Ghost of Christmas Yet shows him that he will die alone and no one will mourn him. The fact that he will die alone scares
Scrooge a lot. The two other spirits are also important by showing Scrooge what happend but these things happened in the past and
can't be undone.
Knowing that he can change the future he has the possibility to Prevent his oncoming death pushes him the most to change his life.

Anglo Master
Beiträge: 3687
Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

Beitrag von Duckduck »

mgerlachsc hat geschrieben: Hallo, 
ich hab mal wieder eine Hausaufgabe. Kann jemand bitte Korrektur lesen? Es sieht mehr aus, als es ist  :spin:.
Vielen Dank vorab, Ihr seit eine wirklich große Hilfe.
Auch Hallo und los geht's:
Conditional sentences - Complete the following sentences.
a) If Scrooge paid Bob Cratchit higher wages, ... (second conditional) -> If Scrooge paid Bob Cratchit higher wages, it would help Cratchit’s family. OK
b) If Scrooge does not help Tiny Tim, ... (first conditional) -> If Scrooge does not help Tiny Tim, he will die. OK
Passive sentences - Change the following sentences from active to passive. 
His love of gold had taken her place in his heart. -> Her place in his heart had been taken by his love of gold. OK
The Ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge to watch Bob Cratchit and his family celebrating Christmas. -> Scrooge is taken to watch Bob Cratchit and his family celebrating Christmas by the ghost of Christmas Present. OK
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge his own grave in a cold and lonely churchyard. -> Scrooge is shown his own grave in a cold and lonely churchyard by the Ghost of Christmas yet to Come. OK
Questions on the story - Look at your copy of A Christmas Carol and answer these questions. Write complete sentences. Please mind the tense in the questions: If a question is in the present tense, you should answer in the present tense.
Prisons and workhouses can’t really make people merry at Christmas time.
a) Who says this? This is said by one of the two gentlemen, who visit Scrooge in his office to collecting money for  buying some food and drink for the poor. OK
b) To whom are the words spoken? The words are spoken to Mr. Scrooge. OK
c) Why are they talking about prisons and workhouses? They are talking about prisons and workhouses because Scrooge thinks that poor people who haven’t got a home or something to eat should live there. OK
d)  What happens when the two people meet again? When the two people meet again, Mr. Scrooge apologizes for his behavior and asks for forgiveness. He gives them some money for previous years when he had not given anything. Mr. Scrooge invites the gentlemen to visit him again to give more money. OK
God bless us all, every one!
a) Who says this? Bob Cratchit's little son Tiny Tim. OK
b) Where and when are the words spoken? The words are spoken in front of the fire at Bob Cratchit’s house at Christmas. OK
c) What happens to the speaker in the end? Tiny Tim has survived and is healthy and happy again. OK
d) Who helps him, and why does he do it? Mr. Scrooge helps his family because The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showed Scrooge that Tiny Tim would die. Scrooge decides to change his life and now he wants to honour Christmas in his heart and help other people who suffer. He has become like a second father to the family. OK
Give one example of the way in which each of these people or ghosts is kind to Ebenezer Scrooge.
a) Bob Cratchit is kind to Scrooge when he .../because he ... -> Bob Cratchit is kind to Scrooge when he drinks to his health because it’s Christmas. OK
b) Marley’s ghost ... -> Marley’s ghost is kind to Scrooge on Christmas Eve because he visits Scrooge to warn him and tell him that he still has a chance not to wander around as a restless ghost later on. OK
c) Scrooge’s nephew Fred ... -> Scrooge’s nephew Fred is kind to him every time when he comes to his office to wish him merry Christmas. Every year he blesses him and invites him to have dinner with him and his family. Even though Scrooge doesn't want to come, his nephew wants to give him the chance to join them. OK
d) The Ghost of Christmas Present ... -> The Ghost of Christmas Present is kind to Scrooge when he shows him how Bob Cratchit’s family and his nephew celebrate Christmas time. Scrooge sees that there are people like Bob and Fred who are thinking of him. OK
Put in the correct word - You may have to change the word to make it grammatically correct, e. g. help® helping. Please copy out the whole text because this will make it easier for you to decide on the correct form for each word.
workhouse, role, literature, write, character, criticise, condition, stamp, attention, century, describe, force, unfortunate, language, help, translate, novelist, suffer
Charles Dickens lived in the 19th (1) century. His novels played a considerable (2) role in (3) helping to draw people’s (4) attention to the catastrophic living and working (5) conditions of that time. He was the first (6) novelist to (7) write about the hardship which many people had to (8) suffer. He particularly (9) critisised the (10) workhouses where the poor, homeless and other (11) unfortunate people were (12) forced to live. Dickens' novel A Christmas Carol has been (13) translated into nearly every (14) language in the world and its (15) characters are known everywhere. The name of Scrooge has entered the English language and is used to (16) describe someone who collects money like other people collect (17) stamps and who loves money just for itself. Tiny Tim has become a much loved character in English (18) literature. WOW, da ging ja so einiges schief. Warst Du müde? Ich bitte Dich, diesen kurzen, jetzt korrigierten Text mal hier für uns zu übersetzen (sieh es als Zusatzhausaufgabe :shock: :roll: :) ) und dann wirf zum Vergleich doch noch mal einen Blick auf den Sinn, den Deine Vorschläge gemacht hätten... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commentary - Which of the three spirits do you think has the greatest influence on Ebenezer Scrooge, and why does this one influence him more than the other two spirits do?
In my opinion, The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has the greatest influence on Ebenezer Scrooge because he shows him his own grave. OK
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come shows him that he will die alone 
and no one will mourn him. OK
The fact that he will die alone scares Scrooge a lot. OK
other two spirits also play an important role by showing Scrooge what happened in the past but these things
can't be undone. OK
Knowing that he can change the future and having the possibility to prevent his oncoming death, are the most important motives to change his life. OK
Beim Grammatikteil sehe ich schöne Fortschritte, aber auch immer schön aufmerksam lesen, was da steht...
Ich hoffe, Du machst Dir den kleinen Aufwand mit dem Übersetzen!?

Liebe Grüße
Mein Farbcode für Korrekturen:
Fehler / Stil/Ausdruck / Anmerkung

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 4. Apr 2021 19:16
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

Beitrag von mgerlachsc »

Vielen Dank....
Ja, den Lückentext (muss ich gestehen) habe ich zu später Stunde noch gemacht :zzz: . Zeigt mir wieder, dass ich mir trotz innerlichen Zeitdruck einfach nochmal einen Tag mehr Zeit nehmen muss und dann mit frischen Kopf starte... Danke Dir dafür... Ich lese mir heute alles in Ruhe durch, übersetze es auf jeden Fall (wo wäre denn da sonst der Lernfortschritt :jo: ) und bearbeite es nochmal...

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 4. Apr 2021 19:16
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

Beitrag von mgerlachsc »

Oh mein Gott.... was habe ich denn da für einen Schrott verzapft...  :roll:
Hier die Übersetzung Deiner Antwort - so macht es natürlich mehr Sinn  :D
Charles Dickens lebte im 19. Jahrhundert. Seine Romane trugen wesentlich dazu bei, dass die Menschen auf die katastrophalen Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen der damaligen Zeit aufmerksam wurden. Er war der erste Schriftsteller, der über die Not schrieb, unter der viele Menschen zu leiden hatten. Besonders kritisierte er die Arbeitshäuser, in denen Arme, Obdachlose und andere unglückliche Menschen leben mussten. Dickens' Roman A Christmas Carol wurde in fast jede Sprache der Welt übersetzt und seine Figuren sind überall bekannt. Der Name Scrooge ist in die englische Sprache eingegangen und wird verwendet, um jemanden zu beschreiben, der Geld sammelt wie andere Leute Briefmarken und der Geld nur um seiner selbst Willen liebt. Tiny Tim ist zu einer beliebten Figur in der englischen Literatur geworden. 

Anglo Master
Beiträge: 3687
Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Re: Einsendeaufgabe - Korrektur lesen

Beitrag von Duckduck »

Na super! So findet sich doch für alles eine Erklärung, Tja, mit müdem Kopf fügt sich oft einfach nix Gescheites zusammen. Aber ich mag Deinen Übersetzungsstil. :freu: 
Danke, dass Du Dir das Teil nochmal vorgenommen hast, so sehe ich ja auch, dass es Dir ernst ist mit dem Lernen und ich nicht nur für die Korrektur verbessere.
Liebe Grüße und Danke für das Danke!
Mein Farbcode für Korrekturen:
Fehler / Stil/Ausdruck / Anmerkung
