essay verbesserung

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essay verbesserung

Beitrag von Kalmar »

Also das essay ist über einen ganz kleinen zeitungsartikel der im groben aussagt, das das internet grösstenteils nur informationen enthält aber informationen in unserem leben eine untergeordnete rolle spielen.
Nun nach diversen versuchen bin ich mit text hier ganz zu frieden aber bestimmt ne menge fehler drin und der ausdruck ist bestimmt auch nicht überall rund. würd mich freuen wenn jemand den essay durchschauen und verbessern könnte, dafür schonmal vielen dank.

Essay: The internet

Is it possible to say that there was no change in our life after we got access to internet and is it possible to say that our lives are not very information-intensive, like the article “Revolution? What revolution?” insisted?

Information is the most important fact in our live, everybody is looking for it and everybody need it.

For example information is so important that Bush back up wars with false information. Most of the people living in the USA trusted Bush, because they had only the information which was given to them by the government.

Also we need much information if we want to buy any product, but were do we get this information?
On the one hand we can go to a market and ask a vendor. But we don't know if he is without reference to his own products.
On the other hand it is possible to ask people on the street or somewhere else, this would waste a lot of time and is very circuitous.

So as a result one can say that a platform like the internet, where everybody can write their review in organized forums is a faster and more profitable way to get the information about everything one need.

In my opinion the internet is one reason why this century is called century of information.
