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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 17. Okt 2005 18:06


Beitrag von Kate123 »

SO jetzt hab ich hier den überarbeiteten Text! Wär nett wenn ihr euch den mal durchliest und mir die Fehler sagt!
The battle of Hastings


The battle of Hastings was at 14th October 1066 and it was the first win of the French Normans at the conquest of England. The Norman army with the ruler Wilhelm beat the Anglo-Saxon which have Harold ll as king. Since 1042 the Anglo-Saxon king Eduard ruled. When he became king, he was some years in Normandy in France. There he built an English central-administration, with Norman-worker. Eduard died at 5th January 1066. Then Harald Godwinson, be called Harald || became king. A short time later, his brother Tostig became king. Since the 9-century, the Danes and the Norwegians tried to got the British islands. The Norwegian king Harald Hardrade and the ruler Wilhelm had interest at the English throne. The ruler Wilhelm meant, that Eduard promised him the throne to Wilhelm. Harald meant that he didn’t want to became king, but only the Normans knew about this. Wilhelm went to the pope Alexander ll. The pope gave Wilhelm his blessing for the war against England. At the beginning of spring 1066 Wilhelm and his army started to organized the war. He hoped to got a part of England.
In Mai 1066 Tostig began to fought against his brother Harald in a war and in June they went at the English East coast. There he fought against Edwin by Mercia. Tostig was beat and he went towards Scotland, where he waited for Harald Hardrade. Harald ll watched the English South coast. At (the) 8th September they drove back, because they hadn’t any food at the ship. Harald ll heard, that 300 Norwegian boats by Harold ll arrived at the coast of Yorkshire. Tostig and Harald Hardrade made a campaign through North England.At 25th September to a battle of decision next to Stampford Bridge. In this battle Harald Hardrade and Tostig died. Harald ll won, but at 1st October, he heard that his enemies with their ruler Wilhelm arrived in South of England. Wilhelm ordered 1000 foot-soldiers, who had to go to Pevensey. After the despoilment (= Plünderung) from the land around Pevensey, he went towards Hastings. Harald ll went with the rest of his army from York to London. Then he went to Hastings. Harald’s plan was to hold the invasors at an island.He arrived at the Senlac-hill at 13th October and at 14th October the Normans arrived( and they had difficulties. )

The battle:

At the morning the Normanarchers had started the battle, with darts and arrows they shot into the Anglo-Saxons riot shields. But the most flew next to the Anglo-Saxons or staid stick in there riot shields. Then he was attacked from the Normansoldiers, which also failed. The Normansrider couldn’t won and pulled back. In this situation the mans of Harold thought that William died, but William lived. Behind this first retreat some Anglo-Saxons avent out from the wall and hunt the Normans. William made this with his groups a second time. Then the Bretons, the Normans, the Flams and the French people killed the British people, who didn’t stood in the wall.
William faked more times a retreat, so his group could killed more soldiers.
After many hours the Normans could won the battle. Harold ll. Died and so William was the new king of England.
=> The longest battle of the European high-middle-age ends after nine hours.


The Battle of Hastings was until 1071 the first and most important success by William at his conquest of England. He became king at Christmas in the year 1066 in Westminster Abbey and he saved his control, because he built lots of castles. Normans changed rolls with most of the Anglo-Saxon aristocracies. William built a normanic central administration. The Norman-French became the language of the English upper class, the administration and the justice, but just the minority of the population talk Norman-French. In the 14.century the Anglo-Saxon language became again famous. The Norman kings ruled until 1154 over England. After them the also French royal house Anjou-Plantagenet became kings.
The Bayeux Tapestry was made in the 1070. Its 70 metres long. This is the most important document about the battle of Hastings. It was maybe ordered by Williams half brother bishop Odo by Bayeux. The tapestry shows, that Odo had fought in the battle, too.
At the place of the battle William has ordered to build the monastery Battle Abbey. It should remind at the people who died in the battle. With the time a small town was built around the monastery. The rest of the Abbey which stays until today there is the museum about the Battle of Hastings.

Ich weiß, ist schon älter was ich hier aufmische, wollt nur kurz anmerken: Einmal posten genügt vollkommen, wenn doch einmal etwas übersehen worden sein sollte, was leider immer mal wieder passiert, da hier sehr viele Anfragen gestellt werden, sollte man erst einmal Geduld haben und die Sachen früh genug reinstellen, sich bei einem Mod melden oder, falls wirklich keine Antwort von niemandem ;) kommt, aber auch nur dann, noch mal, durch einen netten Post, auf sein Thema aufmerksam machen :). (nur mal nebenbei --- langer Satz...) Außerdem gibt es oben rechts den "edit"-Button mit dem man Sachen wunderbar ändern kann, ohne gleich ein neues Thema aufzumachen :)

Vielen Dank an metalfan, der mich durch seinen Beitrag dadrauf aufmerksam gemacht hat und an tigga007 für die Hilfe :danke:

Manhattan :chat:

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 24. Okt 2005 18:27
Wohnort: Wiesbaden

Beitrag von tigga007 »

The battle of Hastings was at/ took place on 14th October 1066 and it was the first win of the French Normans at/ during? the conquest of England. The Norman army with their ruler Wilhelm beat the Anglo-Saxons who had Harold ll as king. Since 1042 the Anglo-Saxon king Eduard ruled. When he became king, he spent some years in Normandy in France where he built an English central-administration with Norman-workers. Eduard died on
kurze frage, aber ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher: bei daten wie z.B. "am 5.januar" wird doch die präposition "on" benutzt, oder?

5th January 1066. Then Harald Godwinson, _ called Harald || became king. A short time later, his brother Tostig became king. Since the 9-century, the Danes and the Norwegians tried to get the British islands.

sry, aber der text ist ein bisschen zu lang,um alles zu verbessern. hab jetzt nur die ersten paar sätze gemacht.
angaben sind ohne gewähr :? aber ich glaubeschon, dass das, was ich fabriziert habe, so einigermaßen richtig ist.

kleiner tip an dich:
du solltest für verben wie "to be" oder "to become king" andere umschreibungen finden. klingt besser :wink:
