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How to deal with English grammar.
The God of War
Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 15. Sep 2005 21:28

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Beitrag von The God of War »

Bitte,bitte korrektur lesen und Fehler markieren und Verbesserungs Vorschläge machen wenn´s geht. ( Bin Niete in English bitte helft mir, hab mich echt angestrengt )
Wird zum Ende schlimmer hoff ihr packt das. :roll:
Falls jemand die Aufagbe kennt ( Cornelsen A6 Workbook page 8,9)

Martin Luther King grew up in a southern town called Atlanta, Georgia. His father was well known as a minister. He taught all men that all people are equal in front of God’s eyes.
Very early Martin Luther King discovered that not everyone thought this way.
During the time in college King decided to become a minister. Consequently he studied the life of Ghandi. He learned how Ghandi changed the system of unfair laws and freed the people of India without using violence.

King decided to use the same ideas to help the blacks in America:
1954 King worked as a minister in Montgomery, Alabama. In the same year the Supreme Court aid all schools opened for blacks and white children. In the south the Ku Klux Klan, one group of white racists attacking black families. In Montgomery the city of officials refused the desegregate of schools Blacks angered about this other form of segregation with the especially buses. The Blacks decided to made a boycott in Montgomery because of the especially buses.
King gave advise to the protesters. The prejudiced whites spoke one threaten that they killed the family from King.

In 1956 the Supreme Court the protesters protested for her rights. The segregation with the city- buses was illegal. King delivered speeches all over the USA, he encouraged people to protest peacefully against the segregation. In 1963 King led children march through the streets of Birmingham, Alabama. The police attacked them with dogs. 1000 children were arrested in prison.
Finally the white leaders of Birmingham abolished for the segregation.
1963 250.000 people walked in Washington D.C. for the support of equality of blacks.
The speech of the mayor influenced the nation. President Kennedy sent the Civil Right bill – Congress. 1964 the Civil Rights bill became a law. Now the segregation was illegal in every state in the USA.

Soon after King received the Nobel Peace Prize. King claimed all people belong that involved in the Civil Rights movement. He gave most of the money, groups they worked for peacefully equality. In the summer of 1967 a riots cities a crossed the USA. King insisted for non violence with stronger weapon. King travelled from city to city and lead marches. On April 4, 1968 at 6pm of a balcony in a motel room in Memphis, Tennessee one gunman with name James Earl Ray fired with a rifle of King. King fell on the ground and he died 7pmin a hospital. King was 39 years old.

All over the world people talked about loosing this special men. The coffin was transported in a old farm wagon throw the streets of Atlanta. Is a symbol for concern for the poor .
100,000 People walked behind the wagon. Is that last march for freedom? On graved words
“Free at last ……. “ .

Danke Mfg The God of War
