Wahlen in den USA – Vokabeln und Beispielsätze – Englisch-Deutsch

Englisch Deutsch Beispiel
ambassador Botschafter Ronald Weise is the ambassador of the USA in Slovakia.
blanket primary Vorwahl (Wahlmöglichkeit für beide Parteien) 3 States presently have blanket primaries, while an additional 21 States have open primaries and 8 States have semi-closed primaries.
campaign Kampagne He took a campaign tour of West Michigan last week.
candidate Kandidat/in The party has put up a candidate .
caucus Vorwahl (in 3 Stufen) Caucuses are held in New Mexico and North Dakota.
citizen Bürger She's a citizen of the USA.
closed primary Vorwahl (nur für Parteimitglieder) 3 States presently have blanket primaries, while an additional 21 States have open primaries and 8 States have semi-closed primaries.
to contest election an einer Wahl teilnehmen In every southern state the Democrats contested elections.
debate Debatte There's a debate about the political development.
delegate Delegierter Delegates are to be elected.
election Wahl Any person qualified to vote may run for election.
electoral register Wählerverzeichnis In the USA election in 2000, many voters were removed from the electoral register in Florida.
electoral system Wahlsystem Can you explain how the electoral system really works?
electorate Wählerschaft Only 60% of the electorate voted in the last election.
electors Wahlmänner The electors can vote for any person at all and are not bound to their party.
eligible berechtigt The elections process is provided to all eligible citizens.
embassy Botschaft In Slovakia you can find the embassy of the USA in Bratislava.
federal föderalistisch What are federal regulations?
general election Parlamentswahlen The General Election took place on 15th October 1964.
government, the Administration Regierung The first White House Web Site was developed during the Clinton Administration.
impeachment Amtsenthebungsverfahren Clinton's impeachment was over before it began.
inaugural address Amtseinführungsrede The inaugural address is the statement of the beginning of a political administration.
majority Mehrheit She is elected by a majority of two hundred votes.
minority Minderheit Most of the ethnic minorities did not have a written language.
national convention Nationalverammlung The candidate is formally nominated at the national convention.
open primary Vorwahl (offen auch für Nichtparteimitglieder) 3 States presently have blanket primaries, while an additional 21 States have open primaries and 8 States have semi-closed primaries.
opinion poll Meinunsumfrage They've organised an opinion poll.
party in government Regierungspartei He led the party in government from 1994 to 1997 .
party leader Parteivorsitzender The election of the new party leader was connected with a number of scandals.
party member Parteimitglied Many local party members are optimistic about the campaign.
policy politisches Ziel We talked about the policy on education.
politician Politiker Politicians are our servants not our masters.
politics Politik I told her I was going into politics.
presidential candidate Präsidentschaftskandidat The Presidential candidate that gets more than half of the votes wins the election.
primary Vorwahl (meistens für Parteimitglieder) Primaries are held in South Carolina, Arizona, Missouri, Delaware and Oklahoma.
progress Fortschritt The government has made progress in controlling mismanagement.
public office öffentliches Amt Cleveland's motto was: "a public office is a public trust".
regulations Vorschriften This guide covers the rules and regulations.
speech Rede He made the announcement in a speech on the radio.
suffrage Stimmrecht, Wahlrecht The Fifth Amendment aimed to protect black suffrage.
summit Gipfel(treffen) The Genoa G8 summit was held in July.
supporter Anhänger He was a Kennedy supporter.
the Electoral College Wahlversammlung, um den Präsidenten und Vizepräsidenten zu wählen The electoral college plays a huge role in the election process.
the political process das politische Geschehen The political process has reached a critical phase.
to cast a vote eine Stimme abgeben They cast a vote for the first time.
to defeat besiegen In 2000 Bush defeated Gore.
to nominate nominieren The candidate is formally nominated at the national convention.
to run kanditieren Bill Clinton ran a second time in 1996.
to support so. jemanden unterstützen They support the two-party system.
to vote wählen They have the right to vote.
turnout Wahlbeteiligung There was an article about the poor turnout for elections.
two-party system Zweiparteiensystem The two-party system is often criticised.
voter Wähler Now the voters can decide.