must oder mustn't – Regeln für Schüler im Englischen – Übung 3

Aufgaben-Nr. 1830

Wähle must oder mustn't aus und bilde so sinnvolle Sätze.

Beispiel aufklappen


Students   be prepared for class.


Students must be prepared for class.

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Die Modalverben im Englischen

  1. Students be late for school.
  2. Students be polite to each other.
  3. Students cheat in tests.
  4. Students talk quietly on the school bus.
  5. Students drop litter.
  6. Students finish the exercises on time.
  7. Students bully their classmates.
  8. Students shout in the classroom.
  9. Students take an exam at the end of the year.
  10. Students use smartphones during the lessons.