Ersatzformen von Modalverben im Simple Past und im will-future – Übung

Aufgaben-Nr. 1806

Ersetze das in Klammern stehende Modalverb durch die richtige Ersatzform und schreibe es in die jeweilige Lücke.

Beispiel aufklappen


The students   swim in the lake yesterday. (must not)


The students were not allowed to swim in the lake yesterday. oder
The students weren't allowed to swim in the lake yesterday.

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Die Modalverben im Englischen

  1. I do my homework yesterday evening. (must)
  2. You see Ken next week. (can)
  3. We go out last weekend. (may not)
  4. She talk to her boss tomorrow. (must)
  5. They get up early next Monday. (needn't)
  6. My friend get a piercing when he was 14. (may)
  7. David read his essay next Tuesday. (must)
  8. Victoria play tomorrow. (can't)
  9. He come to your party next Saturday. (may)
  10. We use a dictionary during the last test. (must not)