Passivsätze im will-future im Englischen – Übung

Aufgaben-Nr. 2748

Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze und Fragen ins Passiv.

Beispiel aufklappen


They will release a new song.


A new song will be released. oder
A new song will be released by them.

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Das Passiv im Englischen

  1. Henry will drive Charlie home.
  2. We will not send the tickets.
  3. The bus driver will take the tourists to the hotel.
  4. Will Oliver cancel the meeting?
  5. I will answer the questions later.
  6. Ella will not print invitation cards.
  7. We will play frisbee in the park.
  8. Will she open the conference?
  9. The mayor will not close the hospital.
  10. The doctor will examine the patient.