Passivsätze im Present Progressive im Englischen – Übung

Aufgaben-Nr. 2744

Setze die vorgegebenen Sätze und Fragen ins Passiv.

Beispiel aufklappen


The teacher is drawing a picture.


A picture is being drawn. oder
A picture is being drawn by the teacher.

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Das Passiv im Englischen

  1. She is reading a comic.
  2. We are cleaning the kitchen.
  3. My brother is not making dinner.
  4. I am opening the presents.
  5. Is Emma singing a song?
  6. He is packing the bags.
  7. The girls are not playing handball.
  8. Olivia is buying sandwiches.
  9. Are the ladies doing the shopping?
  10. They are not writing essays.