Aktivsätze in Passiv umformen im Simple Present und Simple Past – Übung

Aufgaben-Nr. 2762

Schreibe den jeweiligen Passivsatz zum vorgegebenen Aktivsatz in die Lücke.

Beispiel aufklappen


The cat chases the mouse.


The mouse is chased. oder
The mouse is chased by the cat.

Brauchst du Hilfe?


  1. He writes emails.
  2. She texted Richard.
  3. We study English grammar.
  4. The company sells products.
  5. My brother visited our grandparents.
  6. The mechanic fixes the car engine.
  7. The artist painted a beautiful picture.
  8. The waiter serves the customers.
  9. The police caught the thief.
  10. The storm damaged the roof of the house.