Passivsätze in Aktiv umformen im Simple Present – Übung

Aufgaben-Nr. 2756

Schreibe den jeweiligen Aktivsatz zum vorgegebenen Passivsatz in die Lücke.

Beispiel aufklappen


Smartphones are used by many people.


Smartphones are used by many people.
Many people use smartphones.

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  1. The blue car is driven by my dad.
  2. German is spoken by people in Austria.
  3. The cakes are made by Helen and Fiona.
  4. Money is collected by Tim.
  5. The red bike is checked by Adam and Jenny.
  6. These restaurants are run by my friend.
  7. The desks are cleaned by them.
  8. Trees are planted by the gardener.
  9. The book is translated into Portuguese by his brother.
  10. This lemon tree is watered by me.