Steigerung der Adjektive (Komparativ) im Satz – Übung 2

Aufgaben-Nr. 1062

Vervollständige den Satz, indem du den Komparativ des in Klammern stehenden Adjektivs in die Lücke einsetzt.

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Dan is   than Ben. (young)


Dan is younger than Ben.

  1. Nick is than Chris. (tall)
  2. This smartphone is than that one. (cheap)
  3. Kitesurfing is than hiking. (dangerous)
  4. November is than July in Europe. (cold)
  5. She always arrives than her teacher. (late)
  6. Tomorrow will be than today. (sunny)
  7. Peggy is than Vanessa. (careful)
  8. These headphones are than my old ones. (bad)
  9. Jack's car is than mine. (fast)
  10. He's than his brother. (intelligent)