The verb be in different tenses in English

The verb be in different tenses

1. be in the Simple Present

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions
I I am from London. I am not from London. Am I from London?
you You are from London. You are not from London. Are you from London?
he, she, it He is from London. He is not from London. Is he from London?
we, you, they They are from London. They are not from London. Are they from London?

2. be in the Simple Past

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions
I, he, she, it I was in Australia. I was not in Australia. Was I in Australia?
we, you, they They were in Australia. They were not in Australia. Were they in Australia?

3. be in the Present Perfect

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions
I I have been to Canada. I have not been to Canada. Have I been to Canada?
you You have been to Canada. You have not been to Canada. Have you been to Canada?
he, she, it He has been to Canada. He has not been to Canada. Has he been to Canada?
we, you, they They have been to Canada. They have not been to Canada. Have they been to Canada?

4. be in the will-future

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions
all forms We will be in Miami. We will not be in Miami. Will we be in Miami?

5. be in the going-to future

Pronouns Affirmative sentences Negative sentences Questions
I I am going to be happy. I am not going to be happy. Am I going to be happy?
you You are going to be happy. You are not going to be happy. Are you going to be happy?
he, she, it He is going to be happy. He is not going to be happy. Is he going to be happy?
we, you, they They are going to be happy. They are not going to be happy. Are they going to be happy?