Questions and short answers in the Present Progressive/Continuous – Exercise

Task No. 4677

Put in the missing words and form questions and their short answers in the Present Progressive/Continuous. Mind the example.

Show example


  Harry reading comics? → Yes,  .


Is Harry reading comics? → Yes, he is.

  1. Sam going to the office? → Yes, .
  2. Lisa and Emma running home? → Yes, .
  3. she playing the piano? → No, .
  4. you texting Lenny? → Yes, .
  5. the lady swimming in the lake? → Yes, .
  6. the man buying oranges? → No, .
  7. the friends having an ice cream? → No, .
  8. the lion sleeping? → Yes, .
  9. they drinking tea? → No, .
  10. you waiting for the bus? → No, .