Questions and short answers in the Past Progressive – Exercise

Task No. 4687

Put in the missing words and form questions and their short answers in the Past Progressive. Mind the example.

Show example


  Stella playing tennis at 5 pm? → Yes,  .


Was Stella playing tennis at 5 pm? → Yes, she was.

  1. Ann waiting for her friend when you saw her? → Yes, .
  2. the players talking to the journalist yesterday at 6? → Yes, .
  3. he making a phone call when you arrived? → No, .
  4. Chris and Alex watching a film last night? → No, .
  5. they chatting the whole evening? → Yes, .
  6. Sophie making breakfast on Friday morning? → No, .
  7. you cleaning the windows when Lydia left? → No, .
  8. the man watching the shop at around 9? → Yes, .
  9. you babysitting yesterday night? → Yes, .
  10. it raining when you came home? → No, .