Spelling in English – Exercise 1

Task No. 7215

Write the missing words into the gaps. The word in (brackets) tells you how many letters are missing (number of underscores).

Show example


There are seven   (cla_ _rooms) upstairs.


There are seven classrooms upstairs.

Do you need help?

Vocabulary Lists

  1. My father works as an (electr_ _ _ _n).
  2. I like to ride my (b_ _ _cle) in the evenings.
  3. Daniel had an (a_ _ _ _ent) last Friday. He broke his left leg.
  4. Could you give me Peggy's (a_ _ _ _ _ _)? I only know her phone number.
  5. In 1906 there was a terrible (ear_ _ _ _ake) in San Francisco.
  6. Don't forget the (e_ _ _ _mation) mark!
  7. Gary likes English, biology and (geo_ _ _ _ _ _).
  8. Amy often borrows books and CDs from the local (li_ _ _ _ _).
  9. Do you like to watch (s_ _ _ _ _ _) fiction films on TV?
  10. (M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _), Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Staten Island are the five (bo_ _ _ _ _s) of New York City.