bitte um korrektur thema: fast food

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bitte um korrektur thema: fast food

Beitrag von Rose55 »


9. Some teenagers sued McDonald´s because of their obesity. What do you think about the lawsuit of the teenagers against McDonald´s? Can they make McDonald´s responsibility for their obesity? Can you think of a reason why they sued McDonald´s? Can you imagine similar lawsuits in Germany?

In our opinion these lawsuit is on the one hand realistic because fast food like by McDonald´s is cheap and tasty. But in this burgers and French fries are so much fat, sugar and salt like in a meal for one whole day. And if you eat most than one time a day at McDonald´s you would be fat and fatter. In the other hand eat is the choice of everyone self. Nobody who is healthy eat with force. Everyone decide on his selves what and when he wants to eat this kind of food. There is not a force to go every day to McDonald´s and eat there lots of fast food. The McDonald´s Company has the responsibility for the products they sale in their restaurants. Normally they have to inform the customer what is in such a burger and how much he or she could eat of this kind of food. But there is the time? Nowhere, yes this is the problem. This is a fast food restaurant. That means that the preparation and the service have to go very fast. This is their job. The people are old enough to think about the consequences of fast food. In this way they could not make McDonald´s responsibility for their obesity. They want to eat in this restaurant. It is their own choice. Maybe they must do more sport activities or eat more healthy food. The reason for this lawsuit could be that they eat there in the McDonald´s restaurants, saw the ads and thought that the food is good in McDonald´s. But then they became fatter and fatter and had problems with the health. After this they went to the doctor and he said that the food of McDonald´s is a reason for that. In our opinion this kind of lawsuits could not happen in Germany because here nobody would take this thing serious because everyone knows that the responsibility is by them.

würde mich sehr freuen wenn das jemand korrigieren könne

vielen dank

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Anglo Master
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Registriert: 1. Okt 2009 14:25
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Re: bitte um korrektur thema: fast food

Beitrag von Duckduck »

Rose55 hat geschrieben:Composition

Hi Rose, na, dann wollen wir mal sehen!

9. Some teenagers sued McDonald's because of their obesity. What do you think about the lawsuit of the teenagers against McDonald's? Can they make McDonald's responsible for their obesity? Can you think of a reason why they sued McDonald's? Can you imagine similar lawsuits in Germany?

In our opinion this lawsuit is, on the one hand, realistic, because fast food like that of McDonald's is cheap and tasty. But in these burgers and French fries are as much fat, sugar and salt as the body needs for one whole day. And if you eat at McDonald's more than once a day, you are sure to grow fat and fatter. Then again, everyone can choose for themselves what they want to eat. Nobody, who is healthy, is forced to eat a special diet. Everyone can decide whether and when they want to eat this kind of food. There is nobody to force you to go to McDonald's every day and eat lots of fast food there. The McDonald's Company has the responsibility for the products they sell in their restaurants. Normally, they should inform the customer about what a burger is made of and how much he or she can eat of this kind of food without impairing their health. But is there time for this? No, and this is the problem. This is a fast food restaurant. That means that the preparation and the service have to be very fast. This is their job. The people are old enough to think about the consequences of fast food. That is why they can not make McDonald's responsible for their obesity. If they want to eat in this restaurant, it is their own choice. Maybe they must do more sports or eat more healthy food. The reason for this lawsuit could be that they ate there in the McDonald's restaurants, saw the ads and thought that the food was good and healthy. But then they got fatter and fatter and had problems with their health. After this, they went to the doctor and he said that the food of McDonald's is a reason for that. In our opinion, this kind of lawsuits is not likely to happen in Germany, because here nobody would take an accusation like that seriously, because everyone knows that the responsibility lies with themselves.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn das jemand korrigieren könnte.

Vielen Dank

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Gut gemacht, aber noch ein paar Tipps: Als Apostroph nehmen wir hier ', die Taste neben dem "ä"
Wenn Du noch Zeit hast, könntest Du erwähnen, dass McD natürlich nicht den Menschen erklärt, wie ungesund ihr Essen ist, weil sie es dann ja nicht mehr verkaufen könnten und nicht nur, weil keine Zeit dafür da ist.
Und außerdem, dass in Amerika riesige Summen Schadensersatz verhängt werden, was in Deutschland ganz unmöglich ist. Und dass man in den USA Jeden für Alles verklagen kann, ob man immer Recht bekommt, ist nicht gesagt, aber Du kannst Klage einreichen. Und wenn der dann mal verurteilt ist, können sich andere dranhängen. Deshalb gibt es doch z.B. so seltsame Warnhinweise auf amerikanischen Mikrowellen, dass man darin keine Haustiere trocknen darf...

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