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Beitrag von azadi »


Admixed embryos are widely supported by scientists and patient groups as they provide an opportunity to produce powerful stem-cell models for investigating diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes, and for developing new drugs.

Mit eigenen Worten zusammengefasst

Abroad scientist and groups of patients are in favour of admixed embryos as the supply an alternative for equip poweful stem-cell for understanding diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes and for progressing new medicaments or drugs.

Once the technique has been tested, scientists hope to create cybrids from the DNA of patients with genetic diseases. The resulting stem cells could then be used as models of those diseases to provide insights into their progress and to test new treatments.

It is already illegal to culture human-animal embryos for more than 14 days, or to implant them in the womb of a woman or animal, and these prohibitions will remain in the new legislation.

Mit eigenen Worten zusammengefasst

Addionally this method have to inquire then scientist hopefullly would create cybridsfron the GNA of patients with patients genetic diseases.Consequently this stem cells could then be used for diseases, where the knowledge for threatment is bounded, and to invend new medicine.

It is previously illgeal to stud human-animal embryos for more than 14 days,or to implant them in the womb of a woman or animal and this restriction will furthermore be in the new legilsation-


The Newcastle team’s decision to announce its success on television, before its results have been published in a peer-reviewed journal, will also trigger criticism from scientists.

Mit eigenen Worten zusammengefasst:
The Newcastle team conclusion was to circulate their achievement on televison before taking note or opinion of a peer-reviewed jornnal, and therefore many scientist are actuate of this results

Anglo Veteran
Beiträge: 1606
Registriert: 3. Jul 2008 14:35
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Wohnort: UK

Beitrag von Delfino »

"Mit eigenen Worten zusammengefasst"
bedeutet eigentlich eine kürzere Formulierung als das Original
also nur mit dem wesentlichen Inhalt...
und ohne inhaltliche Ergänzungen oder Änderungen!


Admixed embryos are widely supported by scientists and patient groups
as they provide an opportunity to produce powerful stem-cell models
for investigating diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes,
and for developing new drugs.
Abroad scientist and groups of patients are in favour of admixed embryos
as they supply create an alternative chance for equip to bring forth powerful stem-cell models
for understanding diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes,
and for the development of progressing new medicaments or drugs.

Deine Formulierung ist teilweise etwas unglücklich. Vielleicht hilft es dir deine Fehler selbst zu finden
wenn du mit etwas Abstand versuchst deine Formulierungen ins Deutsche zu übersetzten
oder dich einmal selbst zu kontrollieren - achte dabei auch auf die englische Rechtschreibung...

Bedenke dass ein Zitat auch bei inhaltlicher Wiedergabe gekennzeichnet werden muss!

by Mark Henderson, http://www.timesonline.co.uk
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
...is supplied without liability.
IELTS 7 Good user: operational command, occasional inaccuracies
