Mein Text über Malcolm X

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Mein Text über Malcolm X

Beitrag von donadonis »

Hallo :), ich weiß der text ist zwar etwas lang aber ich habe mich sehr bemüht ihn zu schreiben und bitte drum den text mal kurz zu überfliegen...das wäre echt ne hilfe

Malcolm X- the human right activist

The early years of Malcolm X

Malcolm X was born in 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His real name was Malcolm Little. The grandfather of his mother´s side was Scottish, so Malcolm was a little bit light-skinned. Also he had red brown hairs instead of black hairs. Later he said “I hated every drop of that white rapist's blood that is in me." His father, Earl Little was a reverend and also a member of UNIA (Universal Negro improvement association), so Malcolm learned much about black pride & racism in America.
When the Family moved in 1929 to Lansing (in the near of Detroit, Michigan), their house was burned off by white racists.
In 1931 his father died, he was run over by a tram before he was badly mistreated, but the reason why is until today unexplained. It is permuted that a white racist organization killed Earl Little. From this moment on Malcolm’s mother slowly began to lose her mind.
After the death of the father, the family lived in poor conditions. As from now Malcolm started his criminal carrier. In 1939 he had to go to a foster home after his mother had a nervous breakdown. In spite of everything Malcolm was one of the best students at his high school, but he noticed that he had not the same chances as a white boy. Malcolm wanted to study law, but his teacher told him that this is not a realistic goal for a “nigger”.
In 1941 Malcolm moved to Boston where he lived with his older half-sister. There he became involved in the cultural and social life of his black neighborhood. Unfortunately he began to deal with drugs and to work in the criminal scene of the city.
At the beginning of 1946 he was sentenced to 10 years prison. The main reason was se x with a white woman and additionally several housebreakings.

Malcolm in the prison

While in prison Little met a self-educated man who bring Malcolm to read and to educate himself and to think about what it means to be a black human. One day Malcolm received a letter from his brother, telling him about the Nation of Islam.
What is the Nation of Islam?
The Nation of Islam (also N.O.I.) is a religious-political organization of black people. When Malcolm´s brother came to visit Little, he described the group's teachings, including the belief that white people are devils and that the black have to fight against them. The main belief of The Nation of Islam is that there is no other God but Allah. That’s why Malcolm covert into the Islam.

After the prison- Malcolm as a activist

In 1952 after his release from prison, Malcolm visited the leader of the NOI called Elijah Muhammad. Then Malcolm Little changed his Name into Malcolm X, like many other members. The Nation of Islam advance the view that the second name of a black man was given from white slaveholder, so the X symbolized the true African family name that he never could know. Shortly after Malcolm became a assistant minister of the N.O.I. From now on Malcolm made many speeches which attracted more and more black people. He taught that black people were the original people of the world and that the white people were a race of devils. He favor a complete separation of white´s and black´s, he supposed a separate country for black people in the U.S.A. And he advocated that black people should use any necessary types of self-defense to protect themselves also with violence.
Malcolm X's speeches had a powerful effect on his audiences but many white people, and some blacks, were alarmed by Malcolm X and the things he said
Malcolm had many rivals from the African American civil right movement.

The Difference between Malcolm X & Martin Luther King

First of all I have to say that Malcolm X and Martin L. King grew up totally different.
Martin Luther grew up in a middle class family which had no financial problems. He was a good student and his neighborhood was quite and peaceful. On the other side Malcolm X grew up in an underprivileged home and financial difficulties in an atmosphere of violence. He lived in a ghetto, took drugs and he commited several crimes. Malcolm had also some personal tragedies: his mother was forced to raise eight children during depressions, after she had a nervous breakdown the family was split up, the burning of his house, the murder of his father by white racists and the discrimination of white students and teachers at his schooldays. So these aspects are of course the reasons why Malcolm had such a desire for revenge. Martin L. King was in favor of peaceful demonstrations and arguments, believing that blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites and also that blacks and whites should be united and live together in peace. Otherwise
Malcolm believed that whites were inhuman beings and, that blacks and whites should live completely separated. For most of his life, he believed that only through revolution and force could blacks attain their rightful place in the society. But Malcolm’s views changed.

Malcolm leaving the Nation of Islam

The death of President Kennedy is a important aspect for Malcolm’s leaving of the Nation of Islam.
After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Malcolm was asked for a comment. He said that it was a case of "chickens coming home to roost" (Redewendung, bedeutet in etwa: „Eigene Taten fallen auf einen selbst zurück.”). After that he lost the once powerful position in the Nation of Islam and he was prohibited from public speaking for 90 days. Furthermore the leader of the Nation, Elijah Muhammad, had some affairs with young secretaries, that’s why Malcolm lost the confidence of his leader and finally he leave the Nation in 1964. After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X founded the Muslim Mosque Inc., a religious organization which supported black nationalisms.

What means black Nationalism?
Black Nationalism is an ideology which prefers a pure black nation instead of multiculturalism. The principles are Black Pride, a black economic, political, social and/or cultural independence from white society.

Pilgrimage to Mecca

On April 1964, Malcolm started Pilgrimage to Mecca and changed his name into El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. So while doing the trip he saw many Muslims of different races. This impressed him so much that he started reconsiders his racist position. Also he accepted know the assistance of the white population to solve the black/white problems in the United States. X claimed that he is against any form of racism now. But after this change Malcolm had a lot of rivals, mainly members of the Nation of Islam.

Back in the USA & the Assassination

On February 21, 1965 in Manhattan Malcolm X began to speak on a public event when suddenly a man deflected the crowd and another man moved to the stage where Malcolm was standing and shot him down. This was the end of Malcolm X, one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 23. Apr 2009 13:22
Muttersprache: English
Wohnort: Australia

Beitrag von ella85 »

Ich habe nur der Anfang korrigiert, aber es scheint ganz gut=]

Malcolm X was born in 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His real name was Malcolm Little. His grandfather on his mother´s side was Scottish, so Malcolm was a little bit light-skinned. Also he had red brown hair(wenn man sprecht uber Haare man benutz hair, nicht hairs, obwohl es ist mehr als ein) instead of black hair. Later he said “I hated every drop of that white rapist's blood that was in me." His father, Earl Little was a reverend and also a member of UNIA (Universal Negro improvement association), so Malcolm learned much about black pride & racism in America.
When the Family moved in 1929 to Lansing (near Detroit, Michigan), their house was burned down by white racists.
In 1931 his father died, when he was run over by a tram before he was badly mistreated, but the reason why is until today unexplained. It is speculated that a white racist organization killed Earl Little. From this moment on Malcolm’s mother slowly began to lose her mind.
After the death of the father, the family lived in poor conditions. It was then that Malcolm started his criminal carreer. In 1939 he had to go to a foster home after his mother had a nervous breakdown. In spite of everything Malcolm was one of the best students at his high school, but he noticed that he had not the same chances as a white boy. Malcolm wanted to study law, but his teacher told him that this was not a realistic goal for a “nigger”.
In 1941 Malcolm moved to Boston where he lived with his older half-sister. There he became involved in the cultural and social life of his black neighborhood. Unfortunately he began to deal with drugs and to work in the criminal scene of the city.
At the beginning of 1946 he was sentenced to 10 years prison. The main reason was se x with a white woman and additionally several housebreakings.
