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Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 19. Mär 2009 21:25
Muttersprache: deutsch

Könntet ihr meinen Text korrigieren wäre lieb :D

Beitrag von jojo-maus »

hallo :D
danke das ihr euch das mal anguckt hatten das als Hausaufgabe auf. Wir sollten schreiben was wir nach der Schule vielleicht machen würden eine Ausbildung, Praktikum etc. Wäre lieb wenn ihr da mal drüber schauen könntet.

After this two years, if i have my graduation and I leave school, I do not know what I do.
There are a lot of possibilities that I have. I can make a langues course or I can go abroad in order to lean a new langues or to enhance my english. A year of social service or the civilian service is a option too, but I think this is something that I would not do. Although a year of sozial service is often a advantages, if you want to apply for application. It looks well in the curriculum vitae.
An other opportunity is to work as an intern, I think it is a very good experience, because you can make your own experience about jobs before you decide for an education.
The only way open to me is to do casual jobs, an education or to study.
I think a casual job is nothing that I would do after school, I do a casual job for this moment and I think this is not the right way that I would go after school. Maybe I will make a casual job beside the scholastics, that I earn money in order to finance my University.
I would more probably (warscheinlich eher) to decide for an education or go to university.
My dream is it to become a choreographer, therefore if I go to uni, I would study dance and drama. On the other hand I could begin an education as dance teacher at a danceschool.
A big disadvantage in this career is the money. A lot of dancer get not enough money to finance there families. If I want really enough money in this job as a dance teacher or a choreographer, than I must be a star.
There are so much possibilities that I can do after school that is why the selevtive is so heavy.
It crosses my mind that I could do a gap year, this is a year between school and university.
You can see it will be very difficult to judge for the right way.

Lg :uppy:
