A Dreamtime story about birch trees

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Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 5. Mai 2009 16:45
Muttersprache: german
Wohnort: Germany

A Dreamtime story about birch trees

Beitrag von longway »

Ich musste als Hausaufgabe eine Geschichte schreiben. Leider bin ich sehr schlecht in Englisch. Ich hab Probleme mit den richtigen Zeiten und der Satzstellung.
Vielleicht mag sich mal einer amüsieren und mich meiner Fehler belehren, wäre sehr sehr dankbar! :D

The development of birch trees

Many years ago as the ancestors shaped the world they tried to make the most wonderful plants they could ever imagine.
After they formed rivers they filled in with clean water which made the whole world breedy, the earth could give all which was necessary for life.
They let grew up grass in order to dress up the world in a beautiful green as food for animals and for the fresh air around.
But once when a little sheep tried to pull a bundle of grass out of the ground it pulled all of it out, not only a bit of grass but also roots.
Therefore the sheep horrified, escaped and hid behind a stone. The roots began to fix again into the land but then the grass grew up but this time, the grass transformed to a big tree. The sheep was still frightened and not so bold to investigate the new thing. The crown was in a pleasent white that the sheep thought there were sheeps in the crown of this tree because it could not realize exactly what it was really. For the reason the sheep decided to be brave and to near carefully the new thing.
As the sheep neared the tree it suddenly began to swing its branches and the blankness spread across the earth. The white crown disappeared and the sheep thought it was a trap. But then a dark old voice was heard from the tree. The sheep should not break out again then it was not a trap. The dark tree trunk shaked and a lot of dark mud fall on the earth. The trunk was now clean of mud and appeared now again in a pleasent withe.
Two points opened. They looked like eyes and now they saw to the sheep. The tree said that the withes which spread were seeds and in a short time there on the earth would be more trees. Besides the tree added that the sheep need not to be frightened when it would see other trees. The other trees would have a dark trunk with mud because they could not shake their trunk and open their eyes, the points because they sleep deap. But when the sheeps would like to free some other trees from mud before the mud would harden, perhaps some trees would open their eyes for a short time and thank them. It said that they are peacefull but now it must break their conversation, but all creatures should treat them good, they spend also more fresh air, fruits and more all time. The white tree said good bye and closed its eyes.
The sheep told all his friends about its adventure and the sheeps planed to free other trees from mud. They could also free some trees but they could never again speak with a tree because every slept too deap. A lot of trees could not be released from mud and so they hardened soon as dark trunks.

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 23. Apr 2009 13:22
Muttersprache: English
Wohnort: Australia

Beitrag von ella85 »

Das ist eine gut Geschichte=] sehr spass zu lesen

Many years ago as the ancestors shaped the world they tried to make the most wonderful plants they could ever imagine.
After they formed rivers they filled them with clean water which made the whole world fertile, the earth could give all which was necessary for life.
They let grass grow up in order to dress up the world in a beautiful green as food for animals and for the fresh air around.
But once when a little sheep tried to pull a bundle of grass out of the ground it pulled all of it out, not only a bit of grass but also roots.
Therefore the sheep horrified, escaped and hid behind a stone. The roots began to fix again into the land but then the grass grew up but this time, the grass transformed to a big tree. The sheep was still frightened and not so bold to investigate the new thing. The crown was in a pleasent white so the sheep thought there were sheep (keine s, sheep ist irregular) in the crown of this tree because it could not realize exactly what it was really. For that reason the sheep decided to be brave and to edge carefully toward the new thing.
As the sheep neared the tree it suddenly began to swing its branches and the blankness spread across the earth. The white crown disappeared and the sheep thought it was a trap. But then a dark old voice was heard from the tree. The sheep should not break out again then it was not a trap. The dark tree trunk shook and a lot of dark mud fell to the earth. The trunk was now clean of mud and appeared now again in a pleasent withe.
Two points opened. They looked like eyes and now they saw to the sheep. The tree said that the withes which spread were seeds and in a short time there on the earth would be more trees. Besides the tree added that the sheep need not to be frightened when it would see other trees. The other trees would have a dark trunk with mud because they could not shake their trunk and open their eyes, the points because they sleep deep. But when the sheep would like to free some other trees from mud before the mud would harden, perhaps some trees would open their eyes for a short time and thank them. It said that they are peaceful but now it must break their conversation, but all creatures should treat them well, they spend also more fresh air, fruits and more all time. The white tree said good bye and closed its eyes.
The sheep told all his friends about its adventure and the sheep planned to free other trees from mud. They could also free some trees but they could never again speak with a tree because they all slept too deeply. A lot of trees could not be released from mud and so they hardened soon as dark trunks.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 11
Registriert: 5. Mai 2009 16:45
Muttersprache: german
Wohnort: Germany

Beitrag von longway »

Wow, vielen Dank!
Ich hatte mit viel mehr Fehlern gerechnet. :freu:
Und es freut mich zu lesen, dass dir die Geschichte gefallen hat :)
(Das ist eine gute Geschichte, sehr spaßig zu lesen)
