Enlische Grammatiische Sätze

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Registriert: 5. Mai 2009 14:35
Muttersprache: German

Enlische Grammatiische Sätze

Beitrag von Tredagor »

Today I will talk you about my family. My mother work in a supermarket and my father has a job as churchyard worker. At first I like tell about my hobbys. My favourite hobby is creating programms with visual basic 2008 or visual #, they are tools. I can creating with this tools and my skill many programms which worked. Now i give you more informations about my family, I have a brother and a uncle, the name of my uncle is Fritz, he is a little bit rich. His hobby are buying villages and he buy many basic food stuffs for his dogs. He give me every month much money, but not enough. I think he has to much money. Now I will you say the hobbys of my parents. My mother collected pens and my father collectet money. One Day I met my grandpad, his name is Peter. He has climbed the big mountain to his house. I thought take my grandpa drugs or much alcohol ?. But than I have seen, he has made a big joke. By the way, i have a dog, too. It’s a boxerdog, his name is “Elmar”. I have a favourite eat, that are chips and pizza. They are not good products, but it’s tasty. My family is complicated but I think they are ordinary. Now i have some questions for you.

1. Which programms i use to make programms?

Answer: Visual Basic 2008, Visual # - line 3

2. What’s the name of my uncle?

Amswer: His name is “Fritz”

3. What was my favourite eating?

Answer: Pizza and Chips.

4. Whats the name of my Dog?

Answer: His name is “Elmar”

5. What are the hoobys of my uncle?

Answer: He buy some villages and many basic food stuffs for his dog.

Unknown Words:

English: Stuff
German: Zeug; alles Mögliche bezogen auf Gegenständen.
English: Churchyard worker
German: Friedhofsarbeiter, - Angestellter, - Verwalter.

ist das so richtig?
muss bis morgen, das nämlich fertig haben.
