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Korrektur zu Summarys

Beitrag von Kurosaki »

Guten Tag ihr Leuts,

ich wollte euch fragen ob ihr mal über meine Summarys schauen könnt und eventuell Verbesserungsvorschläge von Wörtern oder Sätzen empfehlen könntet.
Ich muss ein Reading Journal zum Buch Big Mouth and Ugly Girl anfertigen.
Dazu gehören halt paar Summarys
Eins davon wäre folgendes:

Chapter 1

It was Thursday a usual January afternoon in the fifth period of Rocky River High School, Westchester County in Drama Club room 220. Matt and his friends Russ, Stacey and Skeet were exchanging opinions about Matt’s modification of the one-act play William Wilson: A Case of Mistaken Identity of which he hopes would be selected to be acted at the school’s Spring Arts Festival. Then unforeseen a knock came at the door of the room and Mr. Weinberg who leads the Drama Club opened the door. Two strangers in dark suits, white shirts and plain neckties were standing before the door, wanting to speak with Matthew Donaghy. As Matt heard his name he looked up to Mr. Weinberg and the two strangers. After seeing the strangers he becomes scared and started thinking what these men could want from him. The strangers went to Matt and introduced themselves as detectives with the Rocky River-Police Department.(Meanwhile Matt’s mind inundated with questions: Did something happened at home to his family or had his dad a plane crash while being away on business?) In addition to this they asked Matt to step outside into the hall. When the two men and Matt arrived there Matt asked them what they wanted from him. One of the detectives answered him and said that he knows why they were here.

Würde mich über schnelle Hilfe sehr freuen.
MfG Kurosaki

Tongue Twister
Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 23. Apr 2009 13:22
Muttersprache: English
Wohnort: Australia

Beitrag von ella85 »

Das ist ganz gut! Es enthaltet nur vielleicht ein oder zwei Fehler, aber ich habe in einige Platzen andere worten oder grammartik empfehlen, weil es einfacher zu verstehen ist.

It was fifth period on a usual Thursday afternoon in January at Rocky River High School, Westchester County in Drama Club room 220. Matt and his friends Russ, Stacey and Skeet were exchanging opinions about Matt’s modification of the one-act play William Wilson: A Case of Mistaken Identity, which he hoped would be selected to be acted at the school’s Spring Arts Festival. Then unforeseen a knock came at the door of the room and Mr. Weinberg, the leader of the drama club opened the door. Two strangers in dark suits, white shirts and plain neckties were standing before the door, wanting to speak with Matthew Donaghy. As Matt heard his name he looked up to Mr. Weinberg and the two strangers. After seeing the strangers he became scared and started wondering what these men could want from him. The strangers went to Matt and introduced themselves as detectives from the Rocky River-Police Department.(Meanwhile Matt’s mind was inundated with questions: Did something happen at home to his family or had his dad a plane crash while he was away on business?) In addition to this they asked Matt to step outside into the hall. When the two men and Matt arrived there, Matt asked them what they wanted from him. One of the detectives answered him and said that he knew why they were here.
