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Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 29. Mär 2009 13:22
Muttersprache: Deutsch


Beitrag von Ash »


habe zur Übung gerade einen kleinen Brief verfasst. Bin mir an zwei, drei Stellen unsicher ob man das so formulieren kann und würde mich über eine Verbesserung freuen.
Dear Max Mustermann,

what is going on? Everything okay with you? I am fine, but here in Germany the weather is very nasty. I am sure that you will ask yourself why I am writing to you. Well, there is a very simple reason for that. I just have asked myself if every word I ever have said to you was correct. Now I have to say that I am also guilty that our friendship ended into a big argument. You know, saying sorry is not easy for me, but in this case I feel myself commited to tell you that I am sorry. I do not expect from you to forget all these words which were fallen, but maybe when your student exchange is finished we could have a meeting to talk about everything happened.
Until then I hope you are having a good time in France and I am curious about all your collected experiences.

Best regards,

English Legend
Beiträge: 4797
Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Re: Übungsbrief

Beitrag von Keswick »

Ash hat geschrieben:Dear Max Mustermann,

what is going on?(*siehe unten.) Everything okay with you? I am fine, but the weather is very nasty here in Germany. I am sure that you will ask yourself why I am writing to you. Well, there is a very simple reason for that. I have just asked myself if every word I have ever said to you was correct. Now I have to say that it is my fault that our friendship ended in a big argument. You know, saying sorry is not easy for me, but in this case I feel myself committed to tell you that I am sorry. I do not expect from you to forget all the words that were said, but maybe when your student exchange has ended we could meet to talk about everything that has happened.
Until then I hope you are having a good time in France and I am curious about all your gained experiences.

Best regards
* Wuerde ich nicht schreiben, ausser du schreibst jemandem in deinem Alter, den du sehr gut kennst! Abgesehen davon wuerde ich es in diesem Zusammenhang nicht verwenden, denn "what's going on" ist eher ein Ausdruck der Verwunderung. Stell dir vor, du gehst in die Kueche, deine Mutter weint, es liegen Scherben am Boden, dann fragst du erstaunt "Hey what's going on here?".
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 12
Registriert: 29. Mär 2009 13:22
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Beitrag von Ash »

Hey, danke für die schnelle Korrektur. Kommen Wörter wie just und ever immer vor das Hauptverb oder ist da sowieso immer nur Present Perfect möglich?

English Legend
Beiträge: 4797
Registriert: 30. Jul 2008 11:20
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: Borough of Gateshead

Beitrag von Keswick »

Just und Ever sind Zeitadverbien. Ich schlage vor, dass du dir mal die Grammtik auf dieser Seite durchliest, da ist das alles wunderbar erklaert. Auch das Present Perfect.
Bitte keine Korrektur- / Erklärungsanfragen per PN.
British English (BE) Sprecher.
