Korrektur: Book report

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Korrektur: Book report

Beitrag von Schwindgasse »

Hey Leute, ich muss für Englisch einen book report schreiben, aber nachdem ich nicht gerade ein Ass in Englisch bin, wäre ich sehr dankbar wenn sich jemand diesen Text nocheinmal durchlesen und meine Fehler ausbessern könnte. ;)

Title: Round the World in Eighty Days
Author: Jules Verne

This is the story of the rich man Phileas Fogg. He makes a bet, in which he fixes all his money, that he can travel around the whole world in eighty days. The result is a crazy, exciting race against time across Europe, Asia and America. He goes from London to Suez, to Bombay, to Calcutta, to Hong Kong, to Yokohama, to San Francisco, to New York and back to London. During his journey he makes many new friends. The most important of all these new friends is the wonderful princess Aouda. He saves her life and after that he takes her with him. After some more adventures he comes back to London. But – what will happen to him back in London? Will he win his bet? Or will he loose all his money and become poor? I can only say – find it out, while reading the book yourself! :)

My personal opinion from this book was very good. The thing I liked best was the kind of story. On the one hand it was very exciting because of the many adventures from Mr Fogg, so I’d say it was an adventure story. But on the other hand, especially the second part of the book, was so romantic that I’d say it was a bit of a love story. The next thing I really liked was the moral of the story. If you read the book, you will understand what I mean.
The book is all in all not difficult to read. From time to time I had to look up some words in the dictionary, but in view of the whole story, it was very worth to do. I really enjoyed the book and I could only approve it!


Herzlichen Dank schonmal im Voraus! :danke:

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 6. Apr 2009 14:30
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Amelia-dulzura »

Title: Round the World in Eighty Days
Author: Jules Verne

This is the story of a rich man called Phileas Fogg. He invests all his money in a bet, claiming that he can travel around the whole world in eighty days. The result is a crazy, exciting race against time across Europe, Asia and America. He goes from London to Suez, to Bombay, to Calcutta, to Hong Kong, to Yokohama, to San Francisco, to New York and back to London. During his journey he makes many new friends. The most important of all these new friends is the wonderful princess Aouda. He saves her life and after that he takes her along. After some more adventures he comes back to London. But – what will happen to him back in London? Will he win his bet? Or will he loose all his money and become poor? I can only say – find it out, while reading the book yourself! Smile

My personal opinion from this book was very good. The thing I liked best was the kind of story. On the one hand it was very exciting because of the countless adventures from Mr Fogg, so I’d say it was an adventure story. But on the other hand, especially the second part of the book, was so romantic that I’d say it was a bit of a love story. The next thing I really liked was the moral of the story. If you read the book, you will understand what I mean.
The book is all in all not difficult to read. From time to time I had to look up some words in the dictionary, but in consideration of the whole story, it was very worth doing it. I really enjoyed the book and I can only recommend it!
