Meine eigene Shortstory

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Registriert: 2. Apr 2009 18:35
Muttersprache: deutsch

Meine eigene Shortstory

Beitrag von exe66 »

Hallo community, :freu:
ich bin neu hier. Bin grade in der 12. Klasse und habe dort English als Grundkurs. Meine Aufgabe ist es eine Shortstory zu schreiben mit dem groben "Plot outline" Exposition, Climax, Resolution. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr einfach mal sagt wie ihr meine Story findet, was man noch verbessern kann und welche Fehler euch auffallen.

A blink of an eye
Easter Monday Night: A red river of blood outpours on the dark, cold tarmac of the gap. The strobe light from the main street cast a cloud over the gab to cloak the dead body. The heaven sends rain to purge the asphalt from the ruddy ink. The neck: barely warm, motionless, no indication of life. Only a wink between life and dead, click, just a blink of an eye.
The chief superintendent congratulates me on my prosperity. “For your achievements and your bravery, I grant you, Officer Simmons, with the medal of honor.” I try to seem proud for the audience, while on the badge sticks blood, blood of folks without a choice.
Since the government cut of the pension and disposes the entire welfare, the world has change. The politicians summon the people to work, to earn money. But the people are forced to commit crime ‘cause there is no work. The lords tend a flock of machines, from their golden castles, which do all the work. The machines are always occupied, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They work in gigantic factories without any windows, ‘cause no daylight needed. The machines work harder, better, faster and stronger like anybody ore anyone before.
Today, an ordinary day, on my ordinary patrol, in my ordinary district, there was something in the air, that day. A scream split the air. “My handbag, my handbag”, a woman repeated hastily. A guise started running through the crowd. I followed swiftly. He can’t shake me of, I guessed. After hours of hot pursuit, it ended. We, thief and me, were in a dead end. It looks likewise the gap from Eastern. He turned around, we stud face to face. I assed, the thief was an ordinary man with fear in his eyes. He clamped the handbag very firmly under his left shoulder. He started stuttering:”I…I only try…my k-kids…” All at once he caught with his right hand into his trouser pocket. My gun salivated accidentally a bullet to the man. The bullet gored him like a lance. He sank to the ground. I opened his hand. It contained a picture with 2 little children playing on a slide. I took these kids their father. There is no livable future.
I hope you can understand my decision, for that reason I wrote this letter to you. Only a wink between life and dead, click, just a blink of an eye…

In love Ace Simmons

Vielen Dank im Voraus,
mfg fritz

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 5
Registriert: 6. Apr 2009 14:30
Muttersprache: deutsch

Beitrag von Amelia-dulzura »

A blink of an eye
Easter Monday Night: A red river of blood outpours on the dark, cold tarmac of the gap. The strobe light from the main street cast a cloud over the gab to cloak the dead body. The heaven sends rain to purge the asphalt from the ruddy ink. The neck: barely warm, motionless, no indication of life. Only a wink between life and dead, click, just a blink of an eye.
The chief superintendent congratulates me on my prosperity. “For your achievements and your bravery, I grant you, Officer Simmons, with the medal of honor.” I try to seem proud for the audience, while on the badge sticks blood, blood of folks without a choice.
Since the government cut off the pension and disposes the entire welfare, the world has changed. The politicians summon the people to work, to earn money. But the people are forced to commit crime ‘cause there is no work. The lords tend a flock of machines, from their golden castles, which do all the work. The machines are always occupied, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They work in gigantic factories without any windows ‘cause no daylight is needed. The machines work harder, better, faster and stronger like nobody before.
Today, an ordinary day, on my ordinary patrol, in my ordinary district, there was something in the air, that day. A scream split the air. “My handbag, my handbag”, a woman repeated hastily. A guise started running through the crowd. I followed swiftly. He can’t shake me of, I guessed. After hours of hot pursuit, it ended. We, the thief and me, were in a dead end. It looks likewise the gap from Eastern. He turned around, we stood face to face. I noticed that the thief was an ordinary man with fear in his eyes. He clamped the handbag very firmly under his left shoulder. He started stuttering:”I…I only try…my k-kids…” All at once he caught with his right hand into his trouser pocket. My gun salivated accidentally a bullet to the man. The bullet gored him like a lance. He sank to the ground. I opened his hand. It contained a picture with 2 little children playing on a slide. I took the father of those kids . There is no livable future.
I hope you can understand my decision, for that reason I wrote this letter to you. Only a wink between life and dead, click, just a blink of an eye…

In love Ace Simmons

Hey, also ich finde zum Ende hin hat das ganze dann einen Sinn ergeben, aber deine exposition passt überhaupt nicht zu der Handtasche. Das war dann eher lustig und ich glaub das war nicht so ganz deine Intention. Was mir an Grammatik sofort ins Auge gefallen ist, hab ich auch korrigiert.
Ich würde vllt noch den Übergang von deiner Einleitung und den highest point of conflict verbessern und generell fehlt noch der Rote Faden, sodass der Leser dir auch folgen kann.
Wenn du zuerst von Toten sprichst und dann von einer Ehrung deiner Taten und darauf dann Politik folgt ist das eher schwer nachzuvollziehen. Mein Tipp wäre vllt noch einen bestimmten Ort zu nennen, der ist schließlcih auch Element einer short story.

Topic Talker
Beiträge: 81
Registriert: 18. Feb 2009 09:42
Muttersprache: Deutsch
Wohnort: UK

Beitrag von FiendishMinx »

Easter Monday Night: A red river of blood outpours on the dark, cold tarmac of the gap. The strobe light from the main street casts a cloud over the gab to cloak the dead body. The heaven sends rain to purge the asphalt from the ruddy ink. The neck: barely warm, motionless, no indication of life. Only a wink between life and dead, click, just a blink of an eye.
The chief superintendent congratulates me on my success. “For your achievements and your courage, I grant you, Officer Simmons, with the medal of honor.” I try to appear proud for the audience, while on the badge there's blood, blood of people without a choice.
Since the government cut of the pensions and disposes the entire welfare, the world has changed. The politicians expect the people to work, to earn money. But the people are forced to commit crime because there is no work. The lords tend a flock of machines, from their golden castles, which do all the work. The machines are always occupied, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They work in gigantic factories without any windows, because no daylight isneeded. The machines work harder, better, faster and stronger like anybody or anyone before.
Today, an ordinary day, on my ordinary patrol, in my ordinary district, there was something in the air, that day. A scream split the air. “My handbag, my handbag”, a woman repeated hastily. A guise started running through the crowd. I followed swiftly. He can’t shake me of, I guessed. After hours of hot pursuit, it ended. We, thief and me, were in a dead end. It looks likewise the gap from Eastern (Was meinst du denn damit?). He turned around, we stood face to face. I assed, the thief was an ordinary man with fear in his eyes. He clamped the handbag very firmly under his left shoulder. He started stuttering:”I…I only try…my k-kids…” Suddenly he caught with his right hand into his trouser pocket. My gun accidentally salivated a bullet . The bullet gored him like a lance. He sank to the ground. I opened his hand. It contained a picture with 2 little children playing on a slide. I took the life of these kids' father. There is no livable future. (Was meinst du hier? "Es gibt keine lebenswerte Zukunft = There is no future worth living")
I hope you can understand my decision, for that reason I wrote this letter to you. Only a wink between life and death, click, just a blink of an eye…

In love Ace Simmons

Normalerweise mische ich mich nicht in schon verbesserte Texte ein, aber hier sind einige signifikante Fehler uebersehen worden. Ausserdem stehen einige Aussagen im text, die man so im Englischen nicht sagen wuerde. Ausserdem sollten in geschriebenen Texten keine Abkuerzungen stehen ('cause).

Im Grossen und Ganzen ergibt deine Geschichte durchaus Sinn. Offener Anfang, offener Schluss. Vielleicht kannst du den Hoehepunkt noch etwas zuspitzen.
WICHTIG! Anfragen per PN werden ignoriert. Danke.
