Welche Antwort ist richtig?

Alles zu den englischen Zeiten im Aktiv und Passiv.
Questions on tenses (Active and Passive).

Welche Antwort ist richtig?

Beitrag von mcsmitty »

Hallo zusammen,

ich hab kürzlich einen Onlineeinstufungstest gemacht. Leider wurde am Ende nur ein Prozentsatz angezeigt, wie viel man richtig hatte. Bei manchen Aufgaben habe ich keine Ahnung, welche Antwort die richtige gewesen wäre. Vielleicht kann mir jemand (mit kurzer Begründung) weiterhelfen.

1. Which sentence is correct?
a) The Chancellor often speaks to the nation on television.
c) The Chancellor speaks often to the nation on television.

2. Which sentence is correct?
a) Martin has not many friends.
b) Martin does not have many friends.

3. Which sentence is correct?
a) Goes the student often to a party?
b) Does the student often go to a party?

4. Which sentence is correct?
a) I have thought about it. I'm going to leave you for good.
b) I have thought about it. I'll leave you for good.
c) I have thought about it. I leave you for good.
d) I have thought about it. I'm going leaving you for good.

5. Which sentence is correct?
a) You stole a car! I report you to the police right away.
b) You stole a car! I am reporting you to the police right away.
c) You stole a car! I'll report you to the police right away.
d) You stole a car! I go report you to the police right away.

6. Which sentence is correct?
a) Your hand's very interesting. I can see you'll later be having two husbands and three children.
b) Your hand's very interesting. I can see you'll later have two husbands and three children.
c) Your hand's very interesting. I can see you are later going to have two husbands and three children.
d) Your hand's very interesting. I can see you later have two husbands and three children.

7. Which sentence is correct?
a) As a child I played basketball nearly every day.
b) As a child I did play basketball nearly every day.
d) As a child I was playing basketball nearly every day.

8. Which sentence is correct?
a) I've made up my mind! I've got the cinema tickets. I'll take out Mary tonight.
b) I've made up my mind! I've got the cinema tickets. I am taking out Mary tonight.

9. Which sentence is correct?
a) OK, now you are on holiday. But what are you doing at this time next week?
d) OK, now you are on holiday. But what will you be doing at this time next week?

10. Which word is missing in the sentence below?
Sally and Mum went to visit Anne in hospital last week, but this week they...... .
a) were not
b) haven't been
d) don't go

11. Which fits best?
While the bridge ............. repaired, the traffic was diverted through the town.
a) was
b) was being
c) has been
d) could be

12. Which sentence is correct?
a) Joan, you performed absolutely superbly.
b) Joan, you performed absolutely superb.
c) Joan, you performed absolute superbly.
d) Joan, you performed absolute superb.

Vielen Dank!

Meine Antworten wären:

6 a oder b
9 ????

Slow Speller
Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 1. Dez 2008 16:02
Muttersprache: German

Beitrag von GukyDweb »


Hier meine Antworten:




4b und 4c finde ich vollkommen korrekt


6 ?

hö 2x das selbe?^^ 7a und 7b ... bei 7b will man das "play" halt extra noch betonen

8a und 8b finde ich vollkommen korrekt

9 ?



12a, ersetzt mal das "absolut" z.B. durch "real" und dann siehst du dass sich "Joan, you performed real superbly", doch sehr merkwürdig anhört und das real wohl ein Adverb sein muss^^

Bei denen wo ich mehrere Antworten als vollkommen richtig empfinde kannst du ja mal noch sagen wieso du da nur deine Antwort als richtig empfindest^^

MFG GukyDweb
