Alles korrekt?

Hier könnt ihr Sätze und kurze Texte zum Korrigieren einstellen.
Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 11. Mär 2009 17:38
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Alles korrekt?

Beitrag von Sebastian08 »

Hi Leute,

bitte einmal drüber gucken ob alles korrekt ist.

I. They repaired the engine.
a. The engine was been repaired by them.
II. You have booked the holiday.
a. The holiday has been booked by you.
III. She was using the computer.
a. The computer was being used by her.
IV. You will have to corrected these mistakes.
a. These mistakes will have to be corrected by you.
V. The company can increase profits.
a. Profits can be increased by the company.
VI. The public may visit the museum of the weekend.
a. The museum may be visited by the public at the weekend.
VII. Would they have solved the problem?
a. Would the problem have been solved by them?
VIII. Do you read many books?
a. Are many books read by you?
IX. Has anyone seen my dog?
a. Has my dog been seen by anyone?
X. Did the noise wake you?
a. Were you be woken by the noise?
XI. When will they deliver our order?
a. When will our order be delivered by them?
XII. What should they do?
a. What should be done by them?
XIII. I did not understand the text.
a. The text wasn´t be understood by me.
XIV. You had not noticed the error.
a. The error hadn´t been noticed by you.
XV. We do not use this programme much.
a. This programme doesn´t be used by us much.
XVI. They cannot help him.
a. He cannot be helped by them.
XVII. Where did he leave his case?
a. Where was his case be left by him?
XVIII. What did she do?
a. What was done by her?
