Simple past - Present Perfect: Bedeutungsunterschied ...

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Bilingual Newbie
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Registriert: 5. Mär 2009 18:30
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Simple past - Present Perfect: Bedeutungsunterschied ...

Beitrag von fineMonkey »

Sag' mir, in welchen Ländern du wegen deines Studiums gelebt hast.
A: Tell me which countries you lived in for your studies.
B: I first lived in France, then in Italy and in Germany.

Erzähl' mir, in welchen Ländern du wegen deines Studiums alles schon gewesen bist.
A: Tell me all the countries you have been to for your studies.
B: I've been to France and Italy.

Stimmt das so?

In Beispiel 1 ist das Studium komplett beendet, was der Fragende weiß. In Beispiel 2, studiert Person B noch, weswegen A "schon" fragt.

Danke!!! :mrgreen:

Bilingual Newbie
Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 27. Feb 2009 10:14
Muttersprache: English
Wohnort: Melbourne Australia

Beitrag von Marek »


My translation of your first example:

"In which countries did you live while you studied?"
"In which countries did you live while you were studying?" (Person A has completed studies = Studium komplett beendet).

My translation for your second example is:

"Which countries have you been to while you've been studying?" (Person B continues to study = Person B studiert noch).

