Bitte um Korrektur!! Dankeschööön ;)

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 29. Jan 2009 20:29
Muttersprache: deutsch

Bitte um Korrektur!! Dankeschööön ;)

Beitrag von SaraSchneider »

The Cold War

The cold war was a non military conflict between the two "super powers": The USA and the USSR after the World War Two. It was from 1945 to 1990, the reason of the end was the dissolution of the USSR. Both of the countries wanted to be the most powerful country in producing ato, weapons. It was an armament race (Wettrüsten). At the Beginning of the 2. World War they were partners but after the end of the 2. World War they became enemies because of the fact, that the USA was kapitalism (kapitalistisch) and the USSR was kommunistique(keine Ahnung ob das so geschrieben wird ^^) .
They didn't used the atom bomb because they wanted to protect themself and their counry. Thex supported (anstiften?) little countries (Afghanistan, Corea and Vietnam) to have wars, for example, the Vietnamwar.

Vielen Dank ihr hilft mir sehr weiter!! :danke:


Beitrag von princess-of-pumpkin.pies »

The Cold War

The Cold War was a non-military conflict between the two "super powers", the USA and the USSR, after the World War Two. It was from 1945 to 1990, the reason of the end was the dissolution of the USSR. Both of the countries wanted to be the most powerful country in producing atomic weapons. It was an armament race (Wettrüsten). At the Beginning of the 2nd World War they were partners, but after the end of the 2nd World War they became enemies. This was caused by the factors, that the USA was capitalistic and the USSR was communistic.
At the end they didn't used the atomic bomb because they wanted to protect themself and their country. Instead they instigated little countries (Afghanistan, Corea and Vietnam) to have wars, for example, the Vietnamwar.
