Brauche dringend Hilfe..

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Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 30. Dez 2008 17:30
Muttersprache: Deutsch

Brauche dringend Hilfe..

Beitrag von Annelein »


Leider ist mein Englisch richtig schlecht.., wenn ich Pechh habe, kassiere ich sogar eine Sechs :(
deswegen ist es auch so wichtig, das ich mein kommendes Referat halbwegs richtig abliefere..

Deswegen wäre es super nett, wenn sich einer von euch einer meiner Texte anschauen könnte.
Ich hab extra Zwei geschrieben, damit ich dann später den nehmen kann, der etwas besser ist..

Wobei ich eher zu dem Ersteren tendiere, da dieser vom Inhalt etwas besser ist.

The history of Carnival

The history of the carnival will begin at an early stage, even in the early antiquity, the first of Carnival Heats known.
A inscription from the 3rd Millennium BC is a customer that the priest king Gudea a seven-festival was celebrated, and after New Year's Day as a symbolic wedding ceremony of a god. The slave is treated as the mistress and slave to his master's side. The Power and Low are respected equally. "This is the first time the principle of equality in exuberant celebrations practiced and this is still a distinguishing characteristic of the carnival.
In all cultures of the Mediterranean are similar festivals, usually with the awakening of nature in the spring in connection with evidence.
The Romans finally celebrated on 17 December to 19 December the Saturnalia in honour of their god Saturn. The festival was associated with a public banquet to which everyone from every social class was invited. Executions during the Saturnalia rear employed. Slaves and masters temporarily exchanged roles, and celebrated together myrtle sat at table, drank and ate to their heart's content, could any freedom of speech and dare with small roses. From the roses was perhaps the most well-known in our day’s confetti. The Romans also held colourful parades, in which a decorated boat was pulled wagons around.
However, in the current research appointments as Saturnalia as the origin of Carnival had strong traditions. In many of masks, figures and customs appear to be even pre-Christian, for example Celtic rites to have received the change from the cold winter months in the warm and fruitful summer include. The winter would have been tempted to sell by themselves as ghosts, goblins and sinister figures from nature and clad wood sticks to beat wildly.
Thus, the history of the carnival his run until further into the Middle Ages.
In medieval Europe celebrated - in churches, but not religious - "Fools celebrations" of 12 Century until the end of the 16th Century. Religious rituals were parodies, even a "pseudo-pope" has been chosen, 28 December, on the day of innocent children, was often a child's chosen bishop, what the role of exchange similar to the "pseudo-pope" equivalent.
The medieval carnival will be on the teachings of Augustimus De Civitate Dei returned. The carnival is therefore for the civitas diaboli, the state of the devil. Therefore, it was often Carnival of the church tolerated as a didactic example to show that the civitas diaboli as the man old and at the end God is victorious. By Ash Wednesday had to be the carnival end to the inevitable reversal for God to show. While the Church of God in scenes during the carnival remained dormant, was a further celebration of Carnival in the Ash Wednesday it strictly prosecuted.
And so, the carnival continues its course.
Since the Reformation the east side Lent abolished and hence the Carnival lost its meaning, many traditions came partly into oblivion. Until today, the carnival is a symbol of Catholic mentality. While older carnival in southwest Germany is still in Catholic areas can be found, it was found by a veritable carnival boom in the 1990s that even in Protestant areas Carnival is celebrated.
While in the city increased the craft guilds - and especially the young fellows - the Carnival adjust over in the early 19th Century, especially in the middle Rhine region, the commemorative event, because corporations in the aftermath of the French Revolution and the invasion of Napoleon's French troops lost their significance.
The bourgeoisie celebrated still clownish masked ball, street carnival, however, was almost extinct. It was to revive 1823 in Cologne a new kind of street carnival reasons: today's carnival.

oder eben..

My Englich Speech

First, I must you confess, my English is very bad, I hope you forgive me, and I can still understand
And now, I want tell you something about my hobby. The Garde Dance.
For those who now do not know what I mean, a brief explanation:
That's the nice girl, lace panties with the carnival constantly on the legs are chuck.
From club to club, they have different costumes.
Different colors of the outfits, or the shapes of the hats.
Man at chen mans costumes, are also still Pailleten, lace or a lot of buttons on it.
My club is called Neustadt sparks, and we wear the color red
Unfortunately we not the only club in Leverkusen red bear, there is also the Red sparks, and because her name was easier to remember, we are often confused with them.
For only there to tell you that I have eleven years old I am now in the carnival dance. At the beginning I was still in the called Pänz (approximately four years), but since I'm 15 years old, I danced in our guard.
And since I still dance today.
Meanwhile dance not only me from my family, in this club.
For seven years, while my father, and five since my little sister.
We are not the only "small family" in our club, Our entire carnival club, consists of several small families, there are as good as anyone among themselves somehow together, engaged or married.
To make something generally about Carnival to tell, beginning of the carnival is on 11.11 (11:11) to 11:11 clock. And ist to end on Ash Wednesday. His appointment will depend from the situation of Easter. Often there are fish meal, in this said Wednesday.
This year, we have again a normal Half-long session, since the days Jeck mid February. With Jeck days are the days meant that shortly before Ash Wednesday, from Weiberfastnacht to Carnival.
For many, only Carnival party and booze. But for me and my friends from the club, it is more. it may be kitschy, dch November to February, we are already like one big family.
I see a carnival of other side, the weekends, we are around the clock and have fun on stage. And yes, sometimes even without alcohol.
You do not want to know how many appearances I in the last two months have had, and I am still on the performances will follow.
For those who themselves about the carnival in Cologne want to notify, On you can notify yourself something.

Schon einmal ich Vorraus, ein super großes Danke Schön..
